FreshRetroGallery by Elizabeth Knaus Shops

Friday, October 11, 2024

ATC number 17 of 20 Prompts series creative artist trading cArds

Are you ready to answer?


What’s always attractive?


Are you aware of an announcement?

En plein air which is French for in the open air painting isn’t a practice I’ve already taken up, although I admire artists who get outside of their walls to sketch or paint actual panorama, agricultural and angular areas. Another approach, “artist trading cards” is my latest avenue to advance creatively.

Front artist trading card (ATC) 17-of-20 in series.

An artist using an A-shaped easel painting at lake shore; inspired by the 17th letter in the Prompts series creative trading cArds and painted from imagination.

Admirable attitudes arise from adding adventurous activities.

Artistic insight is advantageous to capture amazing angles on camera, yet illustrations and paintings require more work. I was once a part of an an art class that walked to a residential area near the school we attended. We learned about linear perspective, an illustration process that creates an illusion of depth on a flat surface. Horizontal parallel lines converge at vanishing points on the composition’s horizon line. The assignment was to draw an actual home with gabled dormer windows on the roof by penciling guide lines with a straight edge ruler. Artwork from observation, on-site or indoors, involves attention to size of elements in the composition, lighting details, full saturation of color in foreground, tinting colors in the distance and use of shadows.

ATC back number 17-of-20 in series.

Title of the piece: Pondering Plein Air • Media used: watercolor and pencil on natural parchment style paper • Date created: 3.14.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Abundant reasons to appreciate and apply artistic skills.

Art is for personal amusement and accomplishing practical vocational opportunities. My father designed architectural drawings to plan the seed cleaning business he built with the help of my mother. I chose a career in communication art and design, so my creative graphic and written work is admitted through print and social media avenues.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card Pondering Plein Air painting, 17th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Artist trading cards awaken creativity as well as accesses a collaborative purpose.

Artists apply an aim to abbreviate by reducing dimensions of the works they create and are aware of advantages. Production cost and wall space limitations prove that unlimited conventional large artworks aren’t attainable for all artists. Working small size of artist trading cards (ATC) 3.5" by 2.5" accomplishes conserving and using up available medium on hand and adding multimedia applications such as altered playing cards. Additionally, the interaction of trading art adds a playful aspect.

Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards

Always look to the Almighty Creator!

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”—and that he had said these things to her. John 20:18

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6

Index for books of the Bible Sketches

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Artist Trading Card (ATC) 16-of-20 in Prompts Series

Are you content with change?


To connect in caring conversation would you call, come by or contact by FaceTime?

Can you conceptualize how to celebrate Christmas?

Do you recall circumstances on your calendar when cheer and comfort were at their best? Sounds of church bell chimes, choir songs, children’s chorus concerts… chilling with a cocktail or cup of cocoa, cranberry punch, cider… chewing cherries, coffee cake, candy canes, cooked creamed corn casserole, classy cookies… college classmates, cozy cabin, cotton sweater, caring for close ones, carving ice castles, paper chains, cute babies, cuddly kitty-cats, colorful sunsets, connecting with cousins, card games—over time, collections of memories contrast with each community. Contentment is in the One who came to clarify love and carry us when we’re confused.

16-of-20 in series, front artist trading card (ATC).

Cute colorful kitty-cat on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper using Prompts for the 16th letter in the swap name creative trading Cards.
Cute colorful kitty-cat on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper using Prompts for the 16th letter in the swap name creative trading Cards.

Consider the calm purr of a cat.

The consolation of our Creator’s scarred hands covers and completes those connected to Him. As God’s creatures in this circle of life, it’s not by our own reason or strength we can come to Him. The Word provides the faith. Jesus the compassionate Christ makes all things possible so that we may count His charitable blessings! Constant joys and challenges serve concrete purposes during each season. Our Wonderful Counselor opens eyes to Truth. His claim on us protects as well as gives us power to flee evil and endure consequences of the fall. Confessing the reality of our human limitations and constant complaining requires the Lord’s mercy for peace that surpasses comprehension. Our Father lovingly commands companions to commend each other—giving and receiving comfort by actions which correspond in healthy mental, emotional, physical and spiritual focus. Though no one complies completely to the Ten Commandments; with contrite hearts, in Christ we’re blessed by salvation and cherish consistent prayerful devotion to the Giver of life. 

Contrarily, callous contradiction of the Word self imposes a condition that cuts out Christ from daily life in this temporal world and ends badly in the realm of eternity.

ATC back number 16-of-20 in series.

Title of the piece: Purr • Media used: colored pencil • Date created: 3.1.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Come up with cool coloring and chat about the craft.

Let curiosity crack open the confinement of screens. Checkout a creative activity to calm the clamor and increase constructive skills. Creating artist trading cards confirms license to clear clutter from your heart and mind. Comfortable cheerful results can be cooperative when you call a friend, child, parent or grandparent to come together for a trade date.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 16th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 16th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Collaborate with me at FreshRetroGallery!

Celebrate Christmas with contemplative gifts for yourself and everyone—bring them out anytime you’d like to connect creatively.

Prompts for creative artist trading cards (ATC)
Prompts for creative artist trading cards (ATC)

Come to church to ask about the cup of redemption, Holy Communion.

“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children— Deuteronomy 4:9

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26, Bible

Monday, September 23, 2024

Prompts series 15-of-20 artist trading cards ATC

Best gift ideas…


What’s the greatest gift ever given?

What’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received?

Are you excited about receiving and giving?

Artist Trading Card (ATC) 15-of-20 in series, front.

At a garage sale I found a pair of glamorously new tan leather gloves like these illustrated glove-covered Gospel praising hands. Genius gotten from a list of G Prompts for the 15th letter in the swap name creative tradinG cards. Arms and thumbs gesture a cross over the background of darkness broken up by a glowing cross shaped white Light star. Dirty ground covered by green grass growth, sky blue paper with words third day glued over zigzag line on inward curved base. FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.
At a garage sale I found a pair of glamorously new tan leather gloves like these illustrated glove-covered Gospel praising hands. Genius gotten from a list of G Prompts for the 15th letter in the swap name creative tradinG cards. Arms and thumbs gesture a cross over the background of darkness broken up by a glowing cross shaped white Light star. Dirty ground covered by green grass growth, sky blue paper with words third day glued over zigzag line on inward curved base. FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.

Since the fall in the garden, God’s love covers sin like perfectly fitting gloves.

Everyone needs go-to guidance, glorious protection and gentle warmth in this cold, dark world where we don’t always get it, give it or see it right. To find the Way by ourselves—getting through highs, lows, twists, turns, traps, distress, complicated confusing detours and natural disasters—is impossible guesswork. Confident hope is for us in looking to the Light—the single source of pure love and refuge. Because we can’t come to the Father by any other way, He generously gives His Word for us. God graciously invites us to to be His guest in His House, where the Holy Spirit gives us the faith which focuses on the side of eternity that goes with Jesus our Creator, Savior, Redeemer and Friend. Jesus was born to live among us and teach us to pray for wisdom so that we may let go of arrogance in order to receive the greatest gift ever given. He suffered, died and rose from the dead on the third day for us because we can’t reach perfect humility without His work. Now, we may seek the Lord’s encouragement, forgiveness, comfort, refreshing joy and strength for each new day. Taking responsibility, we reflect the Light by sharing kindness, mercy and grace. In Christ, is peace and quietness only Jesus gives, knowing one day we’ll connect in person when He comes again on the final Resurrection Day. He’ll wipe away every tear and gather believers through the narrow gate toward an everlasting grand getaway of life going on forever with Him; separated far from the other side of eternal miserable gloomy grief with Satan and all unbelieving people who deny Truth.

ATC back number 15-of-20 in series.

What is on the back side of an ATC Title of the piece: Glory & Praise • Media used: watercolor, chalk, printed paper • Date created: 3.10.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: Glory & Praise • Media used: watercolor, chalk, printed paper • Date created: 3.10.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Gift giving and gratitude go together.

It’s about sharing and caring.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 15th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 15th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Go to FreshRetroGallery!

Get gifts for yourself, friends, family; suitable to give grandchildren, children, parents, grandparents, in-laws and elderly adults.

Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards
Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Artist Trading Card 14-of-20 in ATC Prompts Series

Negotiate a trade?


Nothing noteworthy about “N”?

No novel ideas among neighbors, nieces and nephews?

Nursed newborns need nourishment, naps and a nudge to follow their instinct, fly from the nest and soar to new heights! Hymns are handed down from one generation to the next. Take a whimsical risk—stick your neck out—commit to a newfangled novelty for increasing originality. Navigate a noticeable way to embolden yourself; then, network with others.

Artist Trading Card (ATC) 14-of-20 in series, front.

Now that I think of it, I could have named her Nancy to go with the “N” theme. At the time of titling this colorful piece, one of the sisters mentioned in Romans 16 came to mind. Phoebe’s Neck watercolor on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper, using Prompts for the notion of a new artwork numbered 14, a letter in the swap name creative tradiNg cards.
Now that I think of it, I could have named her Nancy to go with the “N” theme. At the time of titling this colorful piece, one of the sisters mentioned in Romans 16 came to mind. Phoebe’s Neck watercolor on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper, using Prompts for the notion of a new artwork numbered 14, after a letter in the swap name creative tradiNg cards

Born naturally naive.

Normal is nothing but a setting on the dryer. It’s nonsense to presume; no one knows it all, nor is supremely noble. Nickles are needed for nutritious noodles and nachos. Nutmeg’s pungent aroma brings to my nose a sense of nostalgia. At nine-thirty get ready to nestle in for the night.

ATC back number 14-of-20 in series.

Title of the piece: Phoebe’s Neck • Media used: watercolor • Date created: 3.13.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: Phoebe’s Neck • Media used: watercolor • Date created: 3.13.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

No need to wait for new gift ideas!

Never again be up to your neck in pre-holiday stress or have Santa breathing down your neck. The one-stop online shop FreshRetroGallery has unique gifts for ages baby through adult—girls, boys, men, women. Shopping doesn’t need to be a pain in the neck. Easily get a few items from my neck of the woods

  • sent to you personally to use, stash, and give in person
  • drop shipped anywhere, directly to each of your gift recipients
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 14th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 14th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Fun New Year resolutions: become creative and in-touch!

Note the latest nice, nifty, artsy-nerd, family-friendly, educational, fun game gift ideas. Enjoy learning anew to create and trade.

Prompts for ATC creative artist trading cards

Nuggets of God’s Word.

Do not now be stiff-necked as your fathers were, but yield yourselves to the Lord and come to his sanctuary, which he has consecrated forever, and serve the Lord your God, that his fierce anger may turn away from you. 2 Chronicles 30:8

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. Luke 17:2

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. … My son, do not lose sight of these—keep sound wisdom and discretion, and they will be life for your soul and adornment for your neck. Proverbs 3:3,21-22

Index for books of the Bible Sketches

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

ATC Prompts 13-of-20 in series

Want ideas on how to relax inside…


…independently and potentially involving others in your life…

…with incredible, irregular, interactive artist trading card ATC ideas?

Everything we do doesn’t need to generate income, bring stressful anxious insomnia, or become an uninteresting routine.

Invite good intentions with an item called Prompts for ATCs. An individual may impulsively create them solo, keep, share and intentionally plan to include others. Creativity ignored may be itching to take flight! It’s healthy to hope an undiscovered spark will ignite! Light bulb moments illuminate reasons to invest intelligent use of time, increase intimacy and find solutions for overcoming lonely isolation. Today is a gift and so is each person. Wisdom balances tasks with moments of enjoyment—taking special time to pray, listen to Scripture, music or podcasts during restful, as well as playful interaction-igniting activities.

ATC 13-of-20 in series, front

Inspired by the Light mixed media artwork on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper, using Prompts to ignite an idea for the 13th letter in the swap name creative trading cards.
Inspired by the Light mixed media artwork on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper, using Prompts to ignite an idea for the 13th letter in the swap name creative trading cards.

The entire universe was created by God’s Word.

Our faithful, powerful Creator—the Word, Light of all ages, Savior—personally came into the world to give Himself for us. He, who is the reason we celebrate Christmas, sent the Holy Spirit in Word and water of Baptism for us—to give the faith which saves. All who receive it are free from the punishment of sin, death and the power of the devil. Perfectly, victoriously, Jesus shines to remove darkness and assure life for us! In Truth, we grasp God’s gift of repentance, thrive in turning toward the Light’s cleansing forgiveness and protection. Strengthened by His body and blood, we hold and reflect comfort and love. By grace, all trusting the promise look forward to Christ’s second coming. He’ll bring believers into life that will go on forever with joy unimaginable—apart from sin, death and sorrow. learn more

Details inked on ATC back number 13-of-20 in series.

Title of the piece: inspired by the Light • Media used: watercolor, markers and pencil • Date created: 4.20.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: inspired by the Light • Media used: watercolor, markers and pencil • Date created: 4.20.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Intriguing is the process to draw, paint, sketch and write.

You might imagine those immersed in arts are inclined with extraordinary talent. Actually, everyone’s gift of internal incentive is infused with interest and practice. The importance of indulging ingenuity is beneficial for our own body, mind and soul; plus, it often serves others as well. Trading handmade ATCs adds the impact of fulfillment.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 13th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 13th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Gift and game ideas for young children to older adults—boys, girls, men, women.

prompts for creative artist trading cards atc
Prompts for creative artist trading cards ATC

Are you into Truth’s inspiration?

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Index for books of the Bible Sketches

Friday, September 6, 2024

Series of Prompts 12-of-20

Do you doodle?


Doodling creative artist tradDing cards (ATC)


How to doodle for a delightful mind workout.

In keeping your body healthy—building endurance, strengthening—do you lift weight, move and exercise everyday while you clean your home, do yard work, walk, swim, run, ride bike or stretch? Did you know your brain also needs to experience dabbling in enjoyable and repetitive activities to keep it feeling well and growing strong? The mind’s God-given gifts of creativity and problem-solving capability crave the challenging practice of simple artwork. Coming up with ideas and doodling on ATCs is a good plan to improve mental health. The satisfaction of using the mind this way gets an even higher quality by taking steps to organize interactive collaboration and trading. Benefits for souls are best when ATC activity multiplies through the warm gesture of inviting people to join the fun. Do it!

Why develop a discipline of routine doodling alone or with others?

  • express emotion
  • visual diary
  • relax at a desk or table
  • boost creativity
  • add artistic abilities
  • cope with frustration
  • squash boredom
  • dance on paper
  • discover new patterns
  • exercise good timing
  • illustrate ideas
  • enhance memory 
  • do new things
  • open doors of communication
  • drop bad habits
  • dedicate time well spent
  • dress up decor 
  • deliberate restful entertainment

Doodlers claim doodling helps them concentrate while listening. Doodles have various communicative styles and are a great way to express personality. Doodle art takes forms of caricature, drawings, scribbles, markings and lettering. Tools may be pencil, pen, chalk, watercolor, spray or any kind of paint, crayon, textile and other mixed media on a wide variety of 3.5 x 2.5 inch surfaces for ATCs.

ATC 12-of-20 in series, front

Doodle watercolor painting using Prompts for inspiration considering the 12th letter in creative traDing cards on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.
Doodle watercolor painting using Prompts for inspiration considering the 12th letter in creative traDing cards on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.

Our Creator’s love promises to cover us and always be standing with us in weaknesses.

Whenever the spirit of our heart is down, dried up and withered, we may pray to the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. Life-giving Word awakens trust in its promises. Comforted by the faith which receives Christ’s unwavering love and forgiveness, those in Truth’s Light belong to the One who has defeated darkness and presumptuous arrogant lies which distract. That freedom keeps turning toward goodness that’s true, beautiful and harmonious. Together, at home and at church, we build each other up in active Word, prayer and song.

ATC back 12-of-20 in series

Title of the piece: Doodle • Media used: pencil and watercolor • Date created: 3.24.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: Doodle • Media used: pencil and watercolor • Date created: 3.24.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

ATC blank front shown painted; detail form printed on back is shown filled out.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 12th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 12th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Do you feel like doing special shopping? 

Mark it done. Discover the new Prompts for ATCs …

Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards

Daily dive into devotion.

Index for books of the Bible Sketches

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Prompts series 11-of-20 ATCs

Angel creative artist trAding card (ATC)

Are angels protecting and strengthening you?

Are angels seeing the Father in heaven?

Appearing gradually within several minutes on a small, blank ATC parchment paper, is my interpretation (perhaps incorrectly influenced by Renaissance era artists) of an angel making music, praising the Lord, announcing “fear not”, reflecting God’s will and purposes for salvation and life.

ATC 11-of-20 in series, front

Angel with trumpet watercolor painting using Prompts for inspiration considering the 11th letter in creative trAding cards on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.
Angel with trumpet watercolor painting using Prompts for inspiration considering the 11th letter in creative trAding cards on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.

Are angels real?

My search found 282 Bible results for “angel” from the English Standard Version. 

What do angels do?

Angels understand the fears and needs of humans. Fallen angels are evil and their leader, Satan, is the father of lies; even so, they are under the authority of God. Learn more about kinds of angel activity. There are multitudes of good messenger angels which tell truth, shine light and more!

Announcing the first coming of our vulnerable, incarnate God.

But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20-21
And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. Luke 1:30-35
And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:9-11


“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 18:10


And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. Luke 22:43


For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11


Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. Revelation 12:7-8

Gathering with the Lord’s great cloud of witnesses, waiting for the second coming of the Son of Man.

Indeed, so terrifying was the sight that Moses said, “I tremble with fear.” But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Hebrews 12:21-23

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.” Matthew 24:36

ATC back number 11 of series

Title of the piece: Fear Not • Media used: watercolor • Date created: 3.3.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: Fear Not • Media used: watercolor • Date created: 3.3.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

All prompts are to inspire visual art and writing.

26 letters are alphabetically organized by columns, each character having 60 prompts. Another 55, to utilize space in the title column, add up to 1,615 words chosen to make artistic thinking easy. Even people who may have never played or thought about art and all the benefits of creating, enjoy Prompts for Artist Trading Cards.


ATC blank front shown painted; detail form printed on back, filled out.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 11th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 11th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards (ATC)

Always shopping for avant-garde gifts?

Artist trading cards with prompts is an amusing game-like activity. It inspires action to make art as well as interact with friends and family—fun and easy for all ages, preschool children to seniors.

Also, check out active links, sketches, and advantageous info…

Index for books of the Bible Sketches