FreshRetroGallery by Elizabeth Knaus Shops

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Haggai Bible Sketch

What are your priorities?


Do you know how sorrow turns to joy?

It is an amazingly complex process believed by faith. Do you know Who turns sorrow to joy?

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

Immanuel means God is with us. Read more… A View into the Temptation via the Two Natures of Christ.

Haggai 1:13

“I am with you, declares the Lord.” Haggai 1:13b ESV
“I am with you, declares the Lord.” Haggai 1:13b ESV

Do you look forward to the ultimate deadline?

When the drop-dead deadline was mentioned at a company where I used to work, we prioritized absolutely everything to set goals and achieve results before the latest time or date by which the process should be completed. Our skilled, dedicated team took the schedule seriously with just a degree of flexibility. My creative work also served to make corrections for mistakes and edits. Mutual gratitude and hearing of the project’s positive impact were rewards of success in meeting or exceeding the client’s expectations.

Individuals, families of faith, larger communities—we are works-in-progress heading toward a personal end of time as we know it. When? No one knows! By faith in Christ we are ready for the drop-dead-deadline Day of Judgement. 

God loves us even though we are sinners. To save us from punishment we deserve for our dark thoughts and selfish way of living, He left His glorious comfort zone to be born as an infant. Jesus grew up doing no wrong and after 33 years He was crucified on the cross to win the victory over guilt and death, hopelessness and despair. God gives His gifts. We receive them. God creates and perfects His gift of faith in Christ in order to pardon our faults, comfort us, and restore our bodies and souls! All who expect to see and welcome Jesus when He comes again on the Last Day will be relieved of their loneliness and pain caused by their own failures and sin of others.

Sadly, some people reject gifts and despise the giver. Imagine what God thinks of this. To put it bluntly: unless they wake up, are baptized or remember their baptism, open their eyes, ears, and hearts to receive the Gospel before it is too late, they will be severely disappointed being outside of the faith or choosing to deny the gift of Holy Spirit.

What happens at the End of Time?

Jesus promised He will return in power and glory to meet humankind in this physical world. Even bodies of all who have previously died will be brought back to life. Though there will be destruction, new heavens and new earth will be created. A division will take place.

  1. All who are set free in faith, joined to the Word, will be in God’s perfect new creation for infinity with Him in paradise where there will never be sin to weigh them down—nor tears, nor pain—ever again! 
  2. I pray no one reading this post will be misaligned with those judged by God to be rejecting the Holy Spirit’s faith in Jesus. Scripture says they are condemned to suffer eternity with Satan.

What behavioral goals can you set?

Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health takes effort and gratitude. Reality may not be as easy as we think it is supposed to be. Change is often unwelcome or difficult, yet certain changes are really great! By grace, walk with your Counselor the Prince of Peace. Acknowledge your Friend’s wisdom and power. Trust your life to His Word for

  • reliable information for safety, growth and healing
  • instructions to act upon
  • advice to refine
  • understanding to thrive relationships with mutual love—affirming words, humility and grace 
  • warnings to flee evil
  • prayer, exercise, rest, nutrition
  • beginning with repentance
  • perseverance to learn about, receive, and remain in the faith

God’s love and mercy never changes. Whether you are new to the faith or have been mercifully following Jesus as long as you remember, be sure that He doesn’t take second place to any god, any person, any idea, or anything we put above Him. To keep us in the faith, He may test; yet, the Holy Spirit does not tempt

The fallen angel Satan lies and tempts. His goal is to destroy everyone’s faith in Jesus through various forms of isolation. Only God’s power prepares us to confess and helps us resist all types of sin which hurts us and others.

You name it, the list goes on. Satan is always working—especially on Christians—to prevent fruitful planning that would turn toward God in repentance, connection, grace, healing and growth.

“I find that naming the sin for what it is, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, and envy, is an aid in squashing it, and an aid to my own confession of sins.” —Jealousy in the Brotherhood, The Rev. David H. Petersen

Instead of believing lies which separate us from God, we must believe Jesus defeated the devil and provides the way out of temptations which are traps to get us stuck apart from the faith.

Although God’s law is a beautiful loving way, it can never deliver what it demands: perfection. Thankfully, Faith of Christ works through love to achieve what the law commands!

Salvation doesn’t depend on results of an effort to obey, or resolve to follow through on a self-made decision. If it did, who could ever do enough or be holy enough for our Creator’s demand of perfection? No one could rest in peace.

Thankfully, God cares! He works in our messes. His faithfulness to His promises is for all people. Everyone’s had at least one type of challenge, trouble or need—if not noticed yet, it might catch up to you when you aren’t expecting it. Before we were born, God had already called us His own and planned a way to bless us by Christ’s holy compassionate work for us. He listens to prayers and instills courage to not sin. Deep trust to receive help to confess failures and freedom to live by the Spirit’s way comes from God. Faith

  • hears and takes to heart what God commands
  • remembers God’s love covers failures
  • finds comfort in the Gospel
  • prays for all people
  • is eager to become more equipped through Bible study
  • recognizes need for Christ’s humility
  • asks God to forgive and strengthen
  • asks people to forgive
  • utilizes a teachable mind to receive help available
  • generously forgives those who offend
  • seeks opportunities to communicate about God’s gifts
  • knocks that God will open the door to His leading and protection
  • serves others, in love, with gentleness and a soft heart
  • appreciates discipline
  • endures patiently
  • expects God’s plan to function in unexpected ways
  • remains calm and content, dependent on Jesus
  • waits expectantly

The Source of hope and joy cannot be taken away by anything the world throws at us.

Truth is, faith believes our holiness depends completely on the perfect love of God who became man to save us. Born of a humble virgin over 2000 years ago, Jesus lived perfectly although He was tempted by the devil, plus He was tortured and mocked by people just like you and me. He suffered and died for us, that we may have eternal life. He defeated the power of the devil and destroyed death when He rose from the grave and ascended to heaven. This is how God rescued us from punishment we deserve for breaking and failing to live up to His perfect and good law. 

The ultimate humble praise is to receive forgiveness through God’s glorious gifts.

Christ’s perfection is given to us in Baptism along with hearing the Word of God which seals faith and penetrates hearts to love. The Holy Spirit works to provide insight to what God wants us to know. It’s found in accurate, ancient literature, the Bible. Everyone has an open invitation to receive God’s power to change life. Eternal life begins at Baptism when God’s Spirit enters and remains unless it is rejected. Peace is in Jesus Light-of-the-World who shines truth in darkness, forgives, heals brokenness, teaches, comforts, and protects from suffering eternal punishment in hell. 

In four elements at the sacrament of Holy Communion, the faith which was received in Baptism is fed. Humbly received, it forgives and strengthens the hope it gives. If you aren’t sure about all this, please find a church. Talk with a Christian friend or pastor. Ask for help to learn more.

The Lord is with us and His love is better than life. It’s our responsibility to receive His gifts so that we believe Jesus as Savior and Deliverer. We bring God glory, praise, obedience, worship—all within freedom of the will and opportunity to make our own choices. While there is grace moment-by-moment, we may seize every opportunity to live in the Light.

Neglecting to make a priority of receiving Christ’s forgiveness and strength brings one dangerously closer to missing the most important deadline of this life. How dreary and dark are the short- and long-term consequences of having no remorse or sorrow over 

  • passing judgement on someone
  • perpetually falling for the same temptation
  • rebellion to trust the authority of God’s Word
  • refusal to listen and change
  • aimless procrastination
  • stubbornly spin wheels stuck in the rut of self-satisfaction
  • minimizing and denial of wrongs done and good actions left undone

It is possible to develop a cold, diamond-hard heart that pushes God’s grace away. Keeping Him at a distance, know-it-all thinking, risks doubt creeping in until denial of God’s love and atonement completely sets in.

Don’t lose hope. God wants to draw us close and give His peace right here and now. He erases fear of the deadline by protecting and promising to take those who trust Him into eternity!

Thanks be to God for continually making change which calls us back to Him in the faith. His mercy gives rest which covers worry, broken dreams, and hardships. Clarity for the need to continually focus on trusting Him is found in the Word which blesses us where He is and fills us with resilience. His will is done for us so we can be excited about our present and future! Christ’s peace emits gratitude and desire to do whatever He gives us to do. We are God’s instrument, given privilege to love, share life, and tell what He has done to provide forgiveness to us. We ask Him to help us respectfully turn to Him. The Holy Spirit reminds us to thank Him for mercy and show mercy to others.

Why not allow God to meet you at church where He serves His Word, forgiveness, strength, growth and encouragement?! If you have questions, be brave and ask for information about new membership class and Bible study class opportunities!

We are adopted as children of God in Baptism, beloved, just as He called Jesus His “beloved Son.” God makes His children a priority.

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God” 1 John 3:1a

The Heavenly Father’s children

  • look to Him in wonder, awe, reverence and humility
  • are open to grace
  • pray for contentment
  • take it all in, soak up the Word, keep learning more
  • learn how to respond and thank their Creator at all times in life
  • know He loved us first
  • accept help, connect, share this kind of love with one another

Free pdf: A Bible Study and Discussion Guide for An Inexpressible Treasure, The Theology and Practice of Holy Baptism

More on Haggai