FreshRetroGallery by Elizabeth Knaus Shops

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

APC Prompts series 4-of-20 ATCs

creAtive altered playing cards (APC)


New fun and easy card game!

What are altered playing cards (APC)?

An APC is the result of creatively playing with cards unconventionally. The mindful artistic activity is based on altering cards out of a 52-plus-jokers deck. Collaboration converts its use as an artist trading card (ATC). Prompts inspire the making of an APC art piece that’s one-of-a-kind (OOAK). Exercising unlimited possibilities to alter cards is a wonderful hobby to boost thinking skills. Either side of the printed card may partially show through, parts can be cut out, or it can be completely covered with layers of gesso, paint, marker, paper, textile, foil, etc. Thickness doesn’t matter. The only rule is to have finished art measure 2.5 by 3.5 inches. Poker-size cards are just that width, but Mom’s bridge card sets and other playing cards are too narrow.

ATC front numero 4-of-20 in series

Robin perched on ace of spades atop green hill in front of sunrise; hand lettered, “the early bird gets the worm” marker art on altered playing card APC or artist trading card ATC. Art piece is attached to parchment style paper cut 2.5x3 inches printed on back for ATC info.
Robin perched on an ace of spades atop a green hill in front of sunrise upon blue sky; hand lettered, “the early bird gets the worm” marker art on altered playing card APC or artist trading card ATC. Art piece is attached to parchment style paper cut 2.5x3 inches printed on back for ATC info.

Plan, learn, grow, work, play and pray. 

My family prayed, worked, and played card games together. Childhood fascination of using a spade to dig up dirt, search for worms to bait a hook, fishing at the lake, plus all the tasks involved to create a meal with this entrée—the process is an example of how my inner creative curiosity and appetite has been satisfied. Each of our unique stories are constantly changing over time with peaks and valleys; yet, some things we have in common. My parents’ happened to have both lost their fathers at a young age. Thankfully, they lived the faith which led them to timely prioritize important things and consistently pay attention to every kind of nutrition. It’s in Baptism that the Holy Spirit provides the faith which begs for mercy and believes our Creator Jesus loves and died to cleanse all people from sin. We keep stumbling into pits and are like dirt-covered, filthy, squirmy earthworms. We need to be pulled out of the mud when we get stuck. Can you relate? Naturally, we’d deny being covered in dirt, try to hide in the mud or squirm our way out of taking responsibility for our own bad actions. Sometimes we act like we know more than God or are lost in misconception of human ability to achieve that. Since we’re easily manipulated and tempted to reject the faith that’s given to us by God’s grace, it’s important we cling to the gift for strength it provides. Faith prompts us to pray that we receive what we read, listen to, and consume of God’s powerful Word. Receiving the abundant Truth that’s infused within us, the faith transforms and creates a clean heart open to desire and seek correction. By the faith, a good conscience admits mistakes and acknowledges that we’re frequently making errors unaware. Since we don’t try and we aren’t able to do all the good that we may want to do, we’re encouraged by grace. The Spirit exposes complacency, motivates repentance and increases aspiration to be who God designed us to be. By Christ’s genuine love, our shame is covered. Innocently, perfectly, He finished what our just, loving Heavenly Father planned for our salvation. Jesus never fails to remove guilt and forget failures of those who humbly trust and confess that, by grace, He moves us forward—completely cleansed. In Divine Worship, receiving the faith’s dependence on our compassionate Savior, the Spirit provides clarity for living now and a foretaste of heaven. God’s family encourages digging into the Bible. It’s not overwhelming because within context of the church body, spiritual training enriches people in a loving, grace-filled way. I pray you’ll curiously receive the gift of faith and experience growth. It’s not too late, yet no one knows when their time is up. Upon Resurrection Day, all people will see God’s full glory. Christ has authority to identify and divide those who’ve chosen to grieve the Holy Spirit. When Jesus gathers us who are forgiven—whom He finds gratefully, reverently trusting Him for refuge—He’ll bring us into creation restored as it should be without sin, tears, or death. This will be everlasting paradise!

APC ATC back No. 4

Title of the piece: Rise and Shine • Media used: playing card, Sharpie markers & gluestick • Date created: 2.1.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Group or swap information is written on the back of each ATC in the series. 

Group/swap goal for this APC ATC is use of the fourth letter of the phrase creAtive trading cards. Inspiration for the 2.5x3.5" piece of art is influenced by the prompt list of 60 words under the letter A. Learn more about Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards

How to trade APC ATCs.

Card parties were commonly enjoyed by my parent’s generation. Asking a group to get together, just for the fun of it, is nearly a lost art. We can revive it by brainstorming and practicing organizational skills.  From my experience, I’ve discovered that it’s pleasantly entertaining! Actively put creativity to use by thinking of who to invite—call people or talk in-person where we work, worship, shop and play. People may want to bring a ready-made APC ATC, or make it when they arrive. Mention you want to play a new, easy game as you invite them. Provide the eats or make it a potluck. Perhaps, mention I’ll have water and you’re welcome to bring your own beverage bottle, beer, bag-o-tea. Appetizers, lunch, dessert, or dinner are options to consider. Surprises are fun with the simple ATC activity! An ATC trade event may happen at home, coffee house, brewery, restaurant, park, break room, school, church, etc. Set your mind to make ATCs for trading, then follow through.

ATC size blanks with printed backs

APC ATC 4 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.
APC ATC 4 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.

How to be ready to give and play. 

Precise punctuality picks projects and gifts prior to birthday parties and holidays! Prompts for altered playing cards as creative ATCs are available with my full line of gifts and helpful products at FreshRetroGallery.

Note: Once a card is pulled for making an APC ATC, it’s wise to mark the deck missing cards to avoid future use playing traditional full-deck games.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

3-of-20 ATC Prompts series

crEative artist trading card ideas


Everything in order?

How to establish concepts.

Want to to elevate your artistic train of thoughts? Want to figure out how to use time, materials and space efficiently?

Front No. 3-of-20 in ATC series

Random 10 Crayola metallic color crayons used to make an ATC inspired by FreshRetroGallery Prompts E-list of 60 words. E, the third letter in the group phrase crEative trading cards.
Random 10 Crayola metallic color crayons used to make an ATC inspired by FreshRetroGallery Prompts E-list of 60 words. E, the third letter in the group phrase crEative trading cards, is developed into an original 2.5x3 inch art piece on parchment style paper cut and printed on back for ATC making.

Enjoyable exchange plan.

Artist trading cards can be created in your own free time, or together with friends. The making process is a simple gift to yourself, or everyone in a group. You may choose to keep, give away, trade with someone, have a drawing, or take turns choosing. You’ll think of ideas such as: (1) everyone makes an ATC in the same location during a given amount of time, or (2) everyone is asked to bring a ready-made-ATC to the event. For example, seven other neighbor women came to my home for a simple meal and “new easy game”. Near the end of our time together, I passed out 8 little pieces of numbered paper for a drawing to determine the sequence each of us chose an ATC handmade by someone else. Everyone was a winner!

Efficiency is an element of art productivity and space.

Eventually, downsizing a dwelling space makes sense for many people. The size of artist trading cards is perfect for spaces that crave a small touch of original handmade art. Small enough to collect in an envelope or album, their beauty can be displayed in a fancy dish, simple box or clipped to a string banner for light wall art. 

Have you ever heard, “time is money”? Someone who’s willing to pay you to design, create and produce something, realizes value in your work. Your goal may be to design a large series of paintings for one who appreciates art enough to pay you for a grouping to hang on a long wall, cohesive with the interior of the entire space of a restaurant, bank, or home. Efficiency comes into play by beginning thumbnail size. 2.5x3" ATC size is wise for experimentation to save time and material expenses that will eventually be spent to create massive artworks. Time and budget spent on artwork is constricted by agreeable goals and integrity. 

Exercise mindfulness.

Exercising the process of making ATCs helps people grow a full mind. Make time to practice developing a quality. Enhance your right-brain thinking and lean into innovative creativity using Prompts.  

Numero 3 ATC back

Title of the piece: Random Ten • Media used: pencil, Crayola Metallic Crayons • Date created: 3.24.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: Random Ten • Media used: pencil, Crayola Metallic Crayons • Date created: 3.24.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Group or swap information is written on the back of each ATC in the series. 

Group/swap goal for this ATC: use the third letter of the phrase crEative trading cards. Inspiration for the 2.5x3.5" piece of art is influenced by the prompt list of 60 words under the letter E. Learn more about Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.

ATC 2 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.
ATC 3 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.

Thanks for evaluating my ideas of how to enjoy life.

Examine the details of Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards and the full line of gifts and helpful products at FreshRetroGallery.

Try Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards.

creative atc prompts for artist trading cards
Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards

Monday, July 22, 2024

ATC 2-of-20 in Prompts series

cReative artist trading card doodle!


What repeatable recurring moments bring rest?

How to relax, revive, and have a good day.

Ready to renew? Need a healthy remedy? Has your day been restless or stressful? You can regenerate by using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards (ATC). Simply, doodle. Routine doodling activity helps restore the mind in a restful healthy mix of wandering during concentration. ATC doodles are a lovely way to reveal peace in the practice of patience. Do you require a reason for making something? Then, add another layer to the experience by making a request to collaborate a trade! Like the classic card game solitaire and games with more players, there’s purpose to release what’s drawn in transfer. One ATC makes one happy person; plus, two ATCs handled interactively make two happy people, and so on.

Number 2-of-20 in a series of ATC, front

Marker doodle ATC on natural parchment style paper. The letter R is repeated in 6 rows on the top half of the 2.5x3.5 inch card. The bottom half has randomly placed Rs in various sizes. The art uses a colorful palette of tones, tints, and shades for subject and blank background spaces. All on a parchment style paper cut and printed on back for ATC making.
Marker doodle ATC on natural parchment style paper, cut and printed on back for ATC making. The letter R is repeated in 6 rows on the top half of the 2.5x3.5 inch card. The bottom half has randomly placed Rs in various sizes. The art uses a colorful palette of tones, tints, and shades for subject and blank background spaces.

Marked group or swap information for a series is handwritten on the printed back of the ATC.

Each person, invited to participate, creates an entirely one-of-a-kind (OOAK) result. Control as desired—make up your own rules or just enjoy to play without rules. Group/swap goal for this ATC: use the second letter of the phrase cReative trading cards. Inspiration for my second of the 2.5x3.5" pieces of art is influenced by the prompt list of 60 words under the letter R. Learn more about Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.

Number 2-of-20 in a series of ATC, back

Title of the piece: Repeat • Media used: marker • Date created: 2.9.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery, the Etsy shop where printed ATC and prompts are available
Title of the piece: Repeat • Media used: marker • Date created: 2.9.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery, the Etsy shop where printed ATC and prompts are available

Doodling relaxes the body, mind and spirit through randomness and specific substance.

In doing quick sketches, you draw images that eyes can see. Using lines, shapes and materials, you create abstract patterns or realistic people, places or things. One technique is to scribble an entire doodle without lifting the pen from the paper. Doodles alleviate boredom, express emotion and help memory.

A wonderful opportunity to take during doodling time is remembering to pray. In Jesus Name, ask for renewal and thank Him for redemption. Faith is received by hearing God’s Word, so when we listen to Truth and Light, we’re drawn close to our loving God. Deep recognition of our dependence on our Creator’s forgiveness and grace is a gift of the Spirit in Holy Baptism.

“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:29-32

Stuck in a rut? Prompts for ATCs help rotate the reels for making riveting conversation pieces.

Think creatively about all the words beginning with R. What sound does R make? What’s your favorite thing to do that begins with R? What color begins with R? What set of instructions on how to make food begins with R? What political party begins with R? Religion?


My want-to-read list is really long; on it, Redeemed looks like a good book. How refreshing it is to be reminded, often, that Jesus loves us! Repent and rejoice in reconciliation, as I do, with other LCMS Christians who receive God’s love in a church like mine.


ATC 2 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.
ATC 2 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.

Thanks for recalling my ideas of how to enjoy life.

Check out Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards and full line of reviews on gifts and helpful products at FreshRetroGallery.

Prompts for creative artist trading cards (ATC)
Prompts for creative artist trading cards (ATC)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Prompts for ATC 1-of-20 in series

Creative artist trading cards!


Can cold and cute give you warm fuzzies?

Collage assembles thoughts begging to come out and play.

C is for Christ! Enjoy thinking ahead of activities for Christmas parties and interesting gifts to give. Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards are a fun choice for all ages, especially played on a rainy or snow day! Hands making something out of mindful ideas change the pace, lighten what’s heavy and squash boredom. When you shop for loved ones on your gift list, order one for yourself, too :)

Number 1-of-20 in a series of ATC, front

Collage ATC on natural parchment style paper colored blue under layer of snowy looking art paper; cotton ball snowman has black paper hat/eye/mouth/buttons, an orange colored pencil tip nose, rainbow ribbon scarf, plant stem arms—assembled under a clear protective piece of an upcycled window envelope layer with blue sketched C on top.
Collage ATC on natural parchment style paper colored blue under layer of snowy looking art paper; cotton ball snowman has black paper hat/eye/mouth/buttons, an orange colored pencil tip nose, rainbow ribbon scarf, plant stem arms—assembled under a clear protective piece of an upcycled window envelope layer with blue sketched C on top.


My example is based on a pre-decided group or swap information, written on the back of this ATC series. 

The goal for this ATC was to use the first letter of the phrase Creative trading cards. Inspiration for my first of the 2.5x3.5" pieces of art is influenced by the prompt list of 60 words under the letter C. Learn more about Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.

Number 1-of-20 in a series of ATC, back

Title of the piece: Cold and Cute • Media used: colored pencil, sharpie, papers, cotton, branches, ribbon, glue, window envelope • Date created: 2.5.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: Cold and Cute • Media used: colored pencil, sharpie, papers, cotton, branches, ribbon, glue, window envelope • Date created: 2.5.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

I love brainstorming phone conversations, texts and messages with my daughter Laura.

Everyone’s creative because we’re created in our Creator’s image. So far, some people haven’t practiced creativity much. Others practice it daily to organize thoughts, instill thinking skills, expand problem-solving capacity while working in careers such as farming, teaching, chef, business, engineering, graphic design, art direction, etc. Satisfying healthy benefits of creativity are hidden in the secrets of its mysterious pleasure. Timing and degree of pursuing God’s gift of creativity, varies. Thanks to encouragement of family, an artist may have practiced it from a very young age; however, that opportunity wasn’t in the cards for others who, still, have yet to discover its quality. Curiosity enhances the creative process, plus, it becomes an ongoing advantage in application to many activities. Ignited, renewed, advocated by a friend, caretaker, or gifted from a grandchild—ATC making is an excellent way to connect youthful-to-midlife-to-elderly generations. Easily start and increase creative experimentation. Using Prompts boosts confidence to embrace possibilities. Getting together brings joy in-person and many ways connections are possible. Prompts for making creative ATC is a sort of game which brings out the best of each person’s unique creative abilities.

ATC 1 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.
ATC 1 of 20 in series, front and back, using Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards.

Thanks for looking and considering my ideas of how to enjoy life.

I’m excited to add Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards to my line of gifts and helpful products at FreshRetroGallery.

Prompts for ATC creative artist trading cards
Prompts for ATC creative artist trading cards

Thursday, July 11, 2024

New! Prompts for ATCs at FreshRetroGallery

Who introduced you to art?


Mom, Dad, Grandma, sisters?


Teachers, friends, children, grandchildren?

Are you thankful people helped you understand the importance of art and cheered you on to play with it? Though you may not realize it’s good for you, try making a little piece of art and you’ll, literally, see what you think! Become a self-taught creative driver of your own beneficial artistic processes. Practice personal reflection just for the fun of transforming a blank space into a doodle or sketch.

Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards (ATC)

Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards (ATC) FreshRetroGallery
Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards (ATC) FreshRetroGallery

 Back side of ATC

Title of the piece Retro Lettering • Media used 2 way color retro pen fine & thick • Date created 9:29 am 7.11.2024 • Artist name and signature Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information Parchment ATC • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.) FreshRetroGallery
Title of the piece: Retro Lettering • Media used: 2 way color retro pen fine & thick • Date created: 9:29 am 7.11.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Parchment ATC • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): FreshRetroGallery

My popular artistic designs—family tree ancestry and descendant charts—began as thumbnail sketches about the size of an Artist Trading Card before I developed the concepts to print full size.

The natural parchment style paper originally comes from trees which are milled, mixed by specific recipes and made into large sheets that are eventually run through a printing press. After the ink dries, the paper is trimmed to the size of the graphic art. I consciously take care not to waste, so, all parts of the large sheet are used for various projects. 

Love notes, sincere gratitude, Bible books scrolls, handmade journals, as well as blank, number 10 and A-2 stationery come from a portion of the press sheet left-over from my family tree chart designs. 

You’re welcome to try out my new Prompts for Creative Artist Trading Cards (ATC). I’m excited to encourage you to experiment with a Swiss artist’s concept to trade art, spreading worldwide since the 1990s. ATCs are 2.5x3.5 inches.

Retro Lettering

Santa once put scented markers in my stocking! As a child, I often hand lettered with markers and added a darker shadow on one side and bottom of the letters. On this ATC, I enjoyed the flat chiseled edge and fine point ends of this five-color set of pens.

ATC size blanks with printed backs