FreshRetroGallery by Elizabeth Knaus Shops

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

ATC Prompts 13-of-20 in series

Want ideas on how to relax inside…


…independently and potentially involving others in your life…

…with incredible, irregular, interactive artist trading card ATC ideas?

Everything we do doesn’t need to generate income, bring stressful anxious insomnia, or become an uninteresting routine.

Invite good intentions with an item called Prompts for ATCs. An individual may impulsively create them solo, keep, share and intentionally plan to include others. Creativity ignored may be itching to take flight! It’s healthy to hope an undiscovered spark will ignite! Light bulb moments illuminate reasons to invest intelligent use of time, increase intimacy and find solutions for overcoming lonely isolation. Today is a gift and so is each person. Wisdom balances tasks with moments of enjoyment—taking special time to pray, listen to Scripture, music or podcasts during restful, as well as playful interaction-igniting activities.

ATC 13-of-20 in series, front

Inspired by the Light mixed media artwork on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper, using Prompts to ignite an idea for the 13th letter in the swap name creative trading cards.
Inspired by the Light mixed media artwork on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper, using Prompts to ignite an idea for the 13th letter in the swap name creative trading cards.

The entire universe was created by God’s Word.

Our faithful, powerful Creator—the Word, Light of all ages, Savior—personally came into the world to give Himself for us. He, who is the reason we celebrate Christmas, sent the Holy Spirit in Word and water of Baptism for us—to give the faith which saves. All who receive it are free from the punishment of sin, death and the power of the devil. Perfectly, victoriously, Jesus shines to remove darkness and assure life for us! In Truth, we grasp God’s gift of repentance, thrive in turning toward the Light’s cleansing forgiveness and protection. Strengthened by His body and blood, we hold and reflect comfort and love. By grace, all trusting the promise look forward to Christ’s second coming. He’ll bring believers into life that will go on forever with joy unimaginable—apart from sin, death and sorrow. learn more

Details inked on ATC back number 13-of-20 in series.

Title of the piece: inspired by the Light • Media used: watercolor, markers and pencil • Date created: 4.20.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: inspired by the Light • Media used: watercolor, markers and pencil • Date created: 4.20.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Intriguing is the process to draw, paint, sketch and write.

You might imagine those immersed in arts are inclined with extraordinary talent. Actually, everyone’s gift of internal incentive is infused with interest and practice. The importance of indulging ingenuity is beneficial for our own body, mind and soul; plus, it often serves others as well. Trading handmade ATCs adds the impact of fulfillment.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 13th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 13th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Gift and game ideas for young children to older adults—boys, girls, men, women.

prompts for creative artist trading cards atc
Prompts for creative artist trading cards ATC

Are you into Truth’s inspiration?

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Index for books of the Bible Sketches

Friday, September 6, 2024

Series of Prompts 12-of-20

Do you doodle?


Doodling creative artist tradDing cards (ATC)


How to doodle for a delightful mind workout.

In keeping your body healthy—building endurance, strengthening—do you lift weight, move and exercise everyday while you clean your home, do yard work, walk, swim, run, ride bike or stretch? Did you know your brain also needs to experience dabbling in enjoyable and repetitive activities to keep it feeling well and growing strong? The mind’s God-given gifts of creativity and problem-solving capability crave the challenging practice of simple artwork. Coming up with ideas and doodling on ATCs is a good plan to improve mental health. The satisfaction of using the mind this way gets an even higher quality by taking steps to organize interactive collaboration and trading. Benefits for souls are best when ATC activity multiplies through the warm gesture of inviting people to join the fun. Do it!

Why develop a discipline of routine doodling alone or with others?

  • express emotion
  • visual diary
  • relax at a desk or table
  • boost creativity
  • add artistic abilities
  • cope with frustration
  • squash boredom
  • dance on paper
  • discover new patterns
  • exercise good timing
  • illustrate ideas
  • enhance memory 
  • do new things
  • open doors of communication
  • drop bad habits
  • dedicate time well spent
  • dress up decor 
  • deliberate restful entertainment

Doodlers claim doodling helps them concentrate while listening. Doodles have various communicative styles and are a great way to express personality. Doodle art takes forms of caricature, drawings, scribbles, markings and lettering. Tools may be pencil, pen, chalk, watercolor, spray or any kind of paint, crayon, textile and other mixed media on a wide variety of 3.5 x 2.5 inch surfaces for ATCs.

ATC 12-of-20 in series, front

Doodle watercolor painting using Prompts for inspiration considering the 12th letter in creative traDing cards on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.
Doodle watercolor painting using Prompts for inspiration considering the 12th letter in creative traDing cards on FreshRetroGallery natural parchment style ATC paper.

Our Creator’s love promises to cover us and always be standing with us in weaknesses.

Whenever the spirit of our heart is down, dried up and withered, we may pray to the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. Life-giving Word awakens trust in its promises. Comforted by the faith which receives Christ’s unwavering love and forgiveness, those in Truth’s Light belong to the One who has defeated darkness and presumptuous arrogant lies which distract. That freedom keeps turning toward goodness that’s true, beautiful and harmonious. Together, at home and at church, we build each other up in active Word, prayer and song.

ATC back 12-of-20 in series

Title of the piece: Doodle • Media used: pencil and watercolor • Date created: 3.24.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery
Title of the piece: Doodle • Media used: pencil and watercolor • Date created: 3.24.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

ATC blank front shown painted; detail form printed on back is shown filled out.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 12th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.
Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card (ATC) size is 3.5x2.5". 12th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Do you feel like doing special shopping? 

Mark it done. Discover the new Prompts for ATCs …

Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards

Daily dive into devotion.

Index for books of the Bible Sketches