FreshRetroGallery by Elizabeth Knaus Shops

Friday, October 11, 2024

ATC number 17 of 20 Prompts series creative artist trading cArds

Are you ready to answer?


What’s always attractive?


Are you aware of an announcement?

En plein air which is French for in the open air painting isn’t a practice I’ve already taken up, although I admire artists who get outside of their walls to sketch or paint actual panorama, agricultural and angular areas. Another approach, “artist trading cards” is my latest avenue to advance creatively.

Front artist trading card (ATC) 17-of-20 in series.

An artist using an A-shaped easel painting at lake shore; inspired by the 17th letter in the Prompts series creative trading cArds and painted from imagination.

Admirable attitudes arise from adding adventurous activities.

Artistic insight is advantageous to capture amazing angles on camera, yet illustrations and paintings require more work. I was once a part of an an art class that walked to a residential area near the school we attended. We learned about linear perspective, an illustration process that creates an illusion of depth on a flat surface. Horizontal parallel lines converge at vanishing points on the composition’s horizon line. The assignment was to draw an actual home with gabled dormer windows on the roof by penciling guide lines with a straight edge ruler. Artwork from observation, on-site or indoors, involves attention to size of elements in the composition, lighting details, full saturation of color in foreground, tinting colors in the distance and use of shadows.

ATC back number 17-of-20 in series.

Title of the piece: Pondering Plein Air • Media used: watercolor and pencil on natural parchment style paper • Date created: 3.14.2024 • Artist name and signature: Elizabeth Knaus • Group or swap information: Creative Trading Cards • Artist contact info (website, email, etc.): freshretrogallery

Abundant reasons to appreciate and apply artistic skills.

Art is for personal amusement and accomplishing practical vocational opportunities. My father designed architectural drawings to plan the seed cleaning business he built with the help of my mother. I chose a career in communication art and design, so my creative graphic and written work is admitted through print and social media avenues.

Natural parchment style paper for artist trading card Pondering Plein Air painting, 17th in series using Prompts by FreshRetroGallery.

Artist trading cards awaken creativity as well as accesses a collaborative purpose.

Artists apply an aim to abbreviate by reducing dimensions of the works they create and are aware of advantages. Production cost and wall space limitations prove that unlimited conventional large artworks aren’t attainable for all artists. Working small size of artist trading cards (ATC) 3.5" by 2.5" accomplishes conserving and using up available medium on hand and adding multimedia applications such as altered playing cards. Additionally, the interaction of trading art adds a playful aspect.

Creative ATC Prompts for Artist Trading Cards

Always look to the Almighty Creator!

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”—and that he had said these things to her. John 20:18

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6

Index for books of the Bible Sketches

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