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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Haggai Bible Sketch

What are your priorities?


Do you know how sorrow turns to joy?

It is an amazingly complex process believed by faith. Do you know Who turns sorrow to joy?

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

Immanuel means God is with us. Read more… A View into the Temptation via the Two Natures of Christ.

Haggai 1:13

“I am with you, declares the Lord.” Haggai 1:13b ESV
“I am with you, declares the Lord.” Haggai 1:13b ESV

Do you look forward to the ultimate deadline?

When the drop-dead deadline was mentioned at a company where I used to work, we prioritized absolutely everything to set goals and achieve results before the latest time or date by which the process should be completed. Our skilled, dedicated team took the schedule seriously with just a degree of flexibility. My creative work also served to make corrections for mistakes and edits. Mutual gratitude and hearing of the project’s positive impact were rewards of success in meeting or exceeding the client’s expectations.

Individuals, families of faith, larger communities—we are works-in-progress heading toward a personal end of time as we know it. When? No one knows! By faith in Christ we are ready for the drop-dead-deadline Day of Judgement. 

God loves us even though we are sinners. To save us from punishment we deserve for our dark thoughts and selfish way of living, He left His glorious comfort zone to be born as an infant. Jesus grew up doing no wrong and after 33 years He was crucified on the cross to win the victory over guilt and death, hopelessness and despair. God gives His gifts. We receive them. God creates and perfects His gift of faith in Christ in order to pardon our faults, comfort us, and restore our bodies and souls! All who expect to see and welcome Jesus when He comes again on the Last Day will be relieved of their loneliness and pain caused by their own failures and sin of others.

Sadly, some people reject gifts and despise the giver. Imagine what God thinks of this. To put it bluntly: unless they wake up, are baptized or remember their baptism, open their eyes, ears, and hearts to receive the Gospel before it is too late, they will be severely disappointed being outside of the faith or choosing to deny the gift of Holy Spirit.

What happens at the End of Time?

Jesus promised He will return in power and glory to meet humankind in this physical world. Even bodies of all who have previously died will be brought back to life. Though there will be destruction, new heavens and new earth will be created. A division will take place.

  1. All who are set free in faith, joined to the Word, will be in God’s perfect new creation for infinity with Him in paradise where there will never be sin to weigh them down—nor tears, nor pain—ever again! 
  2. I pray no one reading this post will be misaligned with those judged by God to be rejecting the Holy Spirit’s faith in Jesus. Scripture says they are condemned to suffer eternity with Satan.

What behavioral goals can you set?

Spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health takes effort and gratitude. Reality may not be as easy as we think it is supposed to be. Change is often unwelcome or difficult, yet certain changes are really great! By grace, walk with your Counselor the Prince of Peace. Acknowledge your Friend’s wisdom and power. Trust your life to His Word for

  • reliable information for safety, growth and healing
  • instructions to act upon
  • advice to refine
  • understanding to thrive relationships with mutual love—affirming words, humility and grace 
  • warnings to flee evil
  • prayer, exercise, rest, nutrition
  • beginning with repentance
  • perseverance to learn about, receive, and remain in the faith

God’s love and mercy never changes. Whether you are new to the faith or have been mercifully following Jesus as long as you remember, be sure that He doesn’t take second place to any god, any person, any idea, or anything we put above Him. To keep us in the faith, He may test; yet, the Holy Spirit does not tempt

The fallen angel Satan lies and tempts. His goal is to destroy everyone’s faith in Jesus through various forms of isolation. Only God’s power prepares us to confess and helps us resist all types of sin which hurts us and others.

You name it, the list goes on. Satan is always working—especially on Christians—to prevent fruitful planning that would turn toward God in repentance, connection, grace, healing and growth.

“I find that naming the sin for what it is, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, and envy, is an aid in squashing it, and an aid to my own confession of sins.” —Jealousy in the Brotherhood, The Rev. David H. Petersen

Instead of believing lies which separate us from God, we must believe Jesus defeated the devil and provides the way out of temptations which are traps to get us stuck apart from the faith.

Although God’s law is a beautiful loving way, it can never deliver what it demands: perfection. Thankfully, Faith of Christ works through love to achieve what the law commands!

Salvation doesn’t depend on results of an effort to obey, or resolve to follow through on a self-made decision. If it did, who could ever do enough or be holy enough for our Creator’s demand of perfection? No one could rest in peace.

Thankfully, God cares! He works in our messes. His faithfulness to His promises is for all people. Everyone’s had at least one type of challenge, trouble or need—if not noticed yet, it might catch up to you when you aren’t expecting it. Before we were born, God had already called us His own and planned a way to bless us by Christ’s holy compassionate work for us. He listens to prayers and instills courage to not sin. Deep trust to receive help to confess failures and freedom to live by the Spirit’s way comes from God. Faith

  • hears and takes to heart what God commands
  • remembers God’s love covers failures
  • finds comfort in the Gospel
  • prays for all people
  • is eager to become more equipped through Bible study
  • recognizes need for Christ’s humility
  • asks God to forgive and strengthen
  • asks people to forgive
  • utilizes a teachable mind to receive help available
  • generously forgives those who offend
  • seeks opportunities to communicate about God’s gifts
  • knocks that God will open the door to His leading and protection
  • serves others, in love, with gentleness and a soft heart
  • appreciates discipline
  • endures patiently
  • expects God’s plan to function in unexpected ways
  • remains calm and content, dependent on Jesus
  • waits expectantly

The Source of hope and joy cannot be taken away by anything the world throws at us.

Truth is, faith believes our holiness depends completely on the perfect love of God who became man to save us. Born of a humble virgin over 2000 years ago, Jesus lived perfectly although He was tempted by the devil, plus He was tortured and mocked by people just like you and me. He suffered and died for us, that we may have eternal life. He defeated the power of the devil and destroyed death when He rose from the grave and ascended to heaven. This is how God rescued us from punishment we deserve for breaking and failing to live up to His perfect and good law. 

The ultimate humble praise is to receive forgiveness through God’s glorious gifts.

Christ’s perfection is given to us in Baptism along with hearing the Word of God which seals faith and penetrates hearts to love. The Holy Spirit works to provide insight to what God wants us to know. It’s found in accurate, ancient literature, the Bible. Everyone has an open invitation to receive God’s power to change life. Eternal life begins at Baptism when God’s Spirit enters and remains unless it is rejected. Peace is in Jesus Light-of-the-World who shines truth in darkness, forgives, heals brokenness, teaches, comforts, and protects from suffering eternal punishment in hell. 

In four elements at the sacrament of Holy Communion, the faith which was received in Baptism is fed. Humbly received, it forgives and strengthens the hope it gives. If you aren’t sure about all this, please find a church. Talk with a Christian friend or pastor. Ask for help to learn more.

The Lord is with us and His love is better than life. It’s our responsibility to receive His gifts so that we believe Jesus as Savior and Deliverer. We bring God glory, praise, obedience, worship—all within freedom of the will and opportunity to make our own choices. While there is grace moment-by-moment, we may seize every opportunity to live in the Light.

Neglecting to make a priority of receiving Christ’s forgiveness and strength brings one dangerously closer to missing the most important deadline of this life. How dreary and dark are the short- and long-term consequences of having no remorse or sorrow over 

  • passing judgement on someone
  • perpetually falling for the same temptation
  • rebellion to trust the authority of God’s Word
  • refusal to listen and change
  • aimless procrastination
  • stubbornly spin wheels stuck in the rut of self-satisfaction
  • minimizing and denial of wrongs done and good actions left undone

It is possible to develop a cold, diamond-hard heart that pushes God’s grace away. Keeping Him at a distance, know-it-all thinking, risks doubt creeping in until denial of God’s love and atonement completely sets in.

Don’t lose hope. God wants to draw us close and give His peace right here and now. He erases fear of the deadline by protecting and promising to take those who trust Him into eternity!

Thanks be to God for continually making change which calls us back to Him in the faith. His mercy gives rest which covers worry, broken dreams, and hardships. Clarity for the need to continually focus on trusting Him is found in the Word which blesses us where He is and fills us with resilience. His will is done for us so we can be excited about our present and future! Christ’s peace emits gratitude and desire to do whatever He gives us to do. We are God’s instrument, given privilege to love, share life, and tell what He has done to provide forgiveness to us. We ask Him to help us respectfully turn to Him. The Holy Spirit reminds us to thank Him for mercy and show mercy to others.

Why not allow God to meet you at church where He serves His Word, forgiveness, strength, growth and encouragement?! If you have questions, be brave and ask for information about new membership class and Bible study class opportunities!

We are adopted as children of God in Baptism, beloved, just as He called Jesus His “beloved Son.” God makes His children a priority.

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God” 1 John 3:1a

The Heavenly Father’s children

  • look to Him in wonder, awe, reverence and humility
  • are open to grace
  • pray for contentment
  • take it all in, soak up the Word, keep learning more
  • learn how to respond and thank their Creator at all times in life
  • know He loved us first
  • accept help, connect, share this kind of love with one another

Free pdf: A Bible Study and Discussion Guide for An Inexpressible Treasure, The Theology and Practice of Holy Baptism

More on Haggai

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Zephaniah Bible Sketches

God sings a song of affection over His creation! 


Our Lord calls us to sing a new song of thanksgiving to Him!


God looked upon all that He had made, and indeed, it was very good. Bible Hub

Sadly, some angels chose to rebel and fell away from God. Satan the Tempter is the chief fallen angel, the father of lies and evil demons. Eve fell for the lies. Adam took it further when he disobeyed God. When God questioned him, he could have honestly, humbly, swallowed his pride and told the truth. Instead, Adam blamed both Eve and God for his own problem. Eve blamed Satan rather than admitting her mistake. Blaming others is not good and there are consequences for refusal to own your own failures. 

Often, we don’t recognize the many ways we fall short of God’s standards. On our own, we can’t recover from guilt—we’ll never do enough [of what we think is good] to make up for our own brokenness. The curse of this world we live in is because of sin. Before creation, and while everything was perfect until pride entered the picture, God knew failure would happen. He’d already planned one Way back to Himself.

Complacency is vain confidence in—our behaviors, objects, processes—anything or anyone other than God.

Fallen human nature wants to replace or cancel our need for God. Corruption makes us apathetic and slothful—not caring about God’s Word. It magnifies personal desire, performance, money, affiliation, or someone we know. None of these arrogant behaviors make us right with God. Putting trust in anything but God alone makes for an indifferent attitude which allures us astray from the Truth toward perfectionism, envy and toxic selfishness. We are not forced to repentance, we are called to the Truth which leads us to it.

Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Romans 11:29, Zephaniah 3:17, Psalm 34:5

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29.

The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17.

Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Psalm 34:5.

Jesus came, uncomplaining, to set us apart from the world.

He suffered for us, died on the cross, bodily rose from the dead and ascended to heaven where He intercedes to defend us. He did not sin, yet took the punishment for our sin and shame. Those who move forward in Christian living are joyfully content to be judged according to Christ’s righteousness.

In Baptism and by the Word of God, we receive the gift of faith to believe our hope is in Christ Jesus, our Prophet, Priest and King, to save us from God’s wrath over judgement that we are sinners. Scripture claims we are to expect divisions and many bad things will get even worse before the end of time on this earth. Then, there will be punishment for those who denied the Holy Spirit. The Good News is: Jesus will return for those who trust Him! Now, we are waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promises.

“Only through the second Adam, Christ, were the ravages of the fall and its consequences (God's wrath and displeasure, temporal death, and eternal damnation) abundantly made good and the means of pardon and grace provided for all men”

By the faith given and grace received, we have

  • a merciful relationship with God, trusting His plan of forgiveness in the blood of Jesus
  • power to grasp the gift of faith which believes Christ is the only Way to true peace and salvation
  • grace to face God with the repentant heart He creates 
  • refuge from His anger over all types of sin
  • humility to pray for all people—self, loved ones, and enemies
  • insight and wisdom of His will 
  • contentment with God’s gifts and answers to prayer
  • His gifts of growth in the faith
  • desire to thank and praise Him
  • encouragement to share His love
  • joyful, wholesome confidence to trust in Him through the good and bad times

Believers—all who receive the true faith in Christ—have been made ready for death in this world and will never really die!

When Christians die, immediately their spirit is with Jesus in Heaven. They continue to live in the spirit, singing in harmony with God until the day of judgement when their bodies are restored to eternal perfection in a right relationship with Him.

Good texts, tunes, video and info

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Habakkuk Bible Sketch

When you have a complaint, who are your go-to people or what is something you do?


If you look to a person, drink, knowledge, or political affiliation, be careful not to put [him, her, it, them] above God.


Bring everything to your Creator in prayer with thanksgiving.

God hates disobedience, ingratitude and irreverence; so, our merciful Lord came to serve those who disobey, are ungrateful and irreverent. Our heavenly Father wants to teach us about goodness as well as listen to our complaints and frustrations. Our prayers are received in His perfect love. His Word blesses and covers us. Sometimes our inquiry, “why did this happen?” isn’t specifically satisfied as we desire, yet He knows every detail and answers in His way and time. Compassionately, He intercedes when we’re at a loss for words to pray. He works in our weakness and tears for our own benefit or that of someone else. Especially when this broken world displays just how shockingly evil it is, God is accomplishing His good purposes. He knows all of humanity is messed up and calls us to repentance. His Word points us to trust Christ in whom is certain hope for life and salvation.

Habakkuk 3:11

The sun and moon stood still in their place at the light of your arrows as they sped, at the flash of your glittering spear. Habakkuk 3:11 ESV
The sun and moon stood still in their place at the light of your arrows as they sped, at the flash of your glittering spear. Habakkuk 3:11 ESV

Tragedy, the very opposite of what you expect, just might be what the Creator allows to happen.


Historic heart-breaking family farm tragedy on Wednesday, July 21, 1937.

85 years later, my brother, sisters and I share faint memories of hearing about the casualty. My grandfather and his sons were out in a field doing their work loading a hay wagon. Grandpa, my dad’s pa, was on the metal hay loader when he was struck by lightning and did not wake up. Lightning always goes for the highest thing to be grounded. Our land on the Minnesota prairie, higher up by the lake, is where it hit. The strike speedily came down from a cloud without warning. Rain is possible even when the sun is shining. Though knocked down, the sons survived. My uncle had been the driver and had to deal with the horses’ runaway reaction. The hearse/ambulance got stuck and horses had to pull it out. On a portion of the ground, soggy from previous rain, horses could go through much more than wheels. Hay can be dry on top and wet below. On an anniversary of the calamity when we rode with Dad in the car, he gestured to the area this happened. Such a mournful subject was infrequently and minimally discussed. It must have been very traumatic for my grandma, aunt, two uncles, and the 15-year old who would eventually become my dad. They were so young to have to face that their husband/pa would not come home, ever. My great great grandfather had taken a homestead in Shible township, survived all the hardships of pioneer life, and lived past 100 years of age. No one would have imagined that two generations later, my grandfather would pass, instantly, just a few miles away in Hegbert township, only a month past 48 years of age.

It is normal to wonder how God works in distress

I’ve learned about Hope When Your Heart Breaks, navigating grief and loss. Comfort for challenges of family trauma pain come from within a faithful community when we remind each other of our shared confidence of mercy promised. The Word of God is balm for deep emotional wounds. The Holy Spirit carries us, encourages and restores broken hearts.

  • God hears our prayers why? and how long?
  • Though God allows or wills chaotic things to happen, doesn’t mean he endorses chaos.
  • For now until God returns, He is patient.
  • God is not idle.
  • God is powerful. 
  • God is God—you are not. The universe does not revolve around you. 
  • God’s ways are higher than humans can comprehend.
  • God cares for us in unexpected ways.
  • God’s commands are loving. He desires for our good, yet does not force us to comply.
  • God invites us to trust Him for strength and mercy.
  • Out of thanksgiving for God’s deep love for us, by grace, we love Him and extend love to others. 

Not by one’s own heritage, love, decision, work, reason or strength do we believe. 

Only in faith, the Gospel, through the waters of Holy Baptism and with the Word, the gift of the Holy Spirit lives within those who receive its repentance and forgiveness. We receive Jesus’s body and blood, in-with-under bread and wine and His Word, which forgives us and strengthens faith that has been given to us. God is always just. His wrath over sin was satisfied by His Son who perfectly proved His love for everyone. After He endured persecution and crucifixion, He was buried and descended into hell. Then, victoriously, He bodily rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. All this, so we may have mercy and grace!

At times, we struggle to The action and attitude of arrogantly insisting on lording control over what, or whom, is not ours to control, is forgivable. The Holy Spirit transforms it into humility which brings freedom to let go of heavy concerns at the foot of the cross. There is forgiveness for all of our failures.

In Christ, we eagerly wait for judgement day! read more 

“So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:28

When frustrating questions of why and how long turn into trust of God, there’s restorative rest. By grace we may go to God for refuge and let go of temptation to anxiously dread His wrath. Worry can be replaced by prayer which helps Scripture makes sense. Gentle words in proper timing are given to the mind to share. Jesus is enough. It’s not all about us; it is all about Jesus who took our sin to save people from hell. The gift of the Holy Spirit should not be rejected. All who receive its saving faith in Jesus Christ have repentance and mercy. Truth of new life to come brings healing, patience and a peace which surpasses understanding to those who receive the Holy Spirit. All who trust Jesus loved us with His life, pass through death and unite in heaven where the ascended Redeemer’s love flows eternally.

“How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul, and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? Consider me and answer me, O LORD my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him,” lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken. But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.” Psalm 13

Thank the Lord for guiding the Church to share hope and teach Christ. Praise and honor God for the gift of Prayer during times of trouble! Remember, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Feedback to prayer, timing, spiritual growth, and all things are in God’s caring hands which were outstretched and nailed to the cross.

Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places. Habakkuk 3:17-19


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Family History Notebook

Write notes about your family history and ancestors! You may learn about and purchase my print and digital editions of Family Tree Notebooks and Charts at

They make wonderful gifts and are great conversation pieces! Thanks for supporting small business artists.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Nahum Bible Sketch

God is grieved about the oppression of His people by those who are violent and arrogant.


Even though God is slow to anger, He won’t leave evil unpunished. 


Jesus protects and saves His faithful people from sin.

God is powerful and won’t allow destructive behavior which hurts and causes suffering of the innocent to endure forever. He disciplines, out of love, to bring people to repentance and forgiveness. It is extremely important to know who Jesus is and to depend on Him. Read more about Jesus Christ.


The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7 ESV
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7 ESV

God’s glory doesn’t change from age to age concerning the cycle of violence.

Creation was perfectly designed, but sin brought evil. No one is immune to the effects and consequences of the fall. Whether it be weakness, an unhealthy attitude, an addiction, cancer, illness, hostility, broken relationship, natural disaster, or approaching death, everyone has or will face some type of trouble or difficulty. While experiencing such things, you may feel lonely, yet you are not alone.

Throughout history and still now, God uses evil to destroy evil and bring about His purposes. He wants to be kind, good and merciful to all. God’s Word shapes and forms us as He intends. We are free to either receive faith and believe Scripture as true; or reject the gift of faith and turn away from the wisdom and help it contains. Only God has perfect knowledge—seeing within hearts of who receives as well as who refuses.

Jesus died and was resurrected to save humankind. God is faithful to all who turn to Him for forgiveness and cleansing from sin. Made holy by the power of God’s gifts of repentance and faith, in confidence which consoles and encourages the terrified mind, they are safe by grace. He cares for, keeps and guides believers who trust His Word which fills them with tenacity, resilience and assurance of hope in Christ. The Holy Spirit provides strength to expect difficulty and death, yet joyfully move forward in this life, honored to share peace with everyone—the certain hope of eternal life with Jesus when there will be no more pain or tears in heavenly paradise.

“The risen Jesus brought the cycle of violence to an end by bringing his non-violent kingdom and overcoming our violence by his self-giving love. Despite the fact so much evil still pervades the world today, we have to hold onto the same hope as the Hebrew prophets, that God is at work bringing about his redemptive plans. We have the great privilege of knowing the name of the world’s gracious judge: Jesus, the Messiah who reigns as King, and who will return one day to finish the work he started on the cross.” Aeron Sullivan

“For Nineveh, God’s patience came to an end. The evil nation of Assyria that had tyrannized surrounding peoples, acquiring wealth and power at their expense, was overthrown, and it disappeared from the annals of history. God’s wrath is revealed against all unrighteousness (Rm 1:18). Because of our sins, we also deserve His wrath and displeasure. Yet ‘God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (1 Th 5:9). God’s wrath was poured out on Christ, and by faith in Him we have pardon and peace.” The Lutheran Study Bible

God’s patience comes to an end for all who suppress truth and refuse mercy. The action of rejecting the Holy Spirit incurs judgement, punishment of eternal death, separation from Christ.

  “…if we think our efforts are able to earn freedom for our souls, we too get it wrong.” The Rev. Dr. Tyler Arnold

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“Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come, that by Your protection we may be rescued from the threatening perils of our sins and saved by Your mighty deliverance; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.”
Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan

Monday, September 26, 2022

Micah Bible Sketch

Our Perfect Gift…


Light for Us!

Repentance is a gift from our loving Creator who gives and strengthens faith in Jesus. We desperately need to to receive the Light not only for our own forgiveness, but also to be cleansed of sins committed against us. The ways God brings us forgiveness, cleansing, and strength are The Means of Grace.

Micah 7:18

Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love. Micah 7:18
Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love. Micah 7:18

God’s character is of mercy. 

God’s love is different than human love in that it is unwavering and it never ceases or changes. In accusations and warnings of judgement about rebellion and falsehood, God’s purpose is not to destroy, but to give hope and restoration. His promises of the Messiah have been fulfilled. He casts all our sin into the depths of the sea. Jesus is peace for the world.

 “Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Watch, listen, sing!

  1. Rejoice, my heart, be glad and sing,
    A cheerful trust maintain;
    For God, the source of ev’rything,
    Your portion shall remain.
  2. He is your treasure, He your joy,
    Your life and light and Lord,
    Your Counselor when doubts annoy,
    Your shield and great reward.
  3. Why spend the day in blank despair,
    In restless thought the night?
    On your Creator cast your care;
    He makes your burdens light.
  4. Did not His love and truth and pow’r
    Guard ev’ry childhood day?
    And did He not in threat’ning hour
    Turn dreaded ills away?
  5. He only will with patience chide,
    His rod falls gently down;
    And all your sins He casts aside
    In ocean depths to drown.
  6. His wisdom never plans in vain
    Nor falters nor mistakes.
    All that His counsels may ordain
    A blessed ending makes.
  7. Upon your lips, then, lay your hand,
    And trust His guiding love;
    Then like a rock thy peace shall stand
    Here and in heav’n above.
    Lutheran Service Book #737

Monday, August 29, 2022

Jonah Bible Sketch

Don’t run away and hide from God.


Run to Him in honesty.

Gracious God knows exactly how rebellion hurts people.

A few examples of human rebellion are to

  • fail to love God and the people He created
  • act in ways which tempt others to worry or misbehave
  • fret over things that are not ours to control
  • ruminate on past failures which have already been confessed and absolved

Jonah 2:1

…“I called out to the Lord, out of my distress, and he answered me… Jonah 2:1
“Jonah deserves death, not deliverance. Yet the Lord graciously rescues him by miraculous intervention. Jonah recognizes the greatness of the Lord’s compassion and expresses his thanks in prayer. The apostle Paul, like Jonah, once felt that he had “received the sentence of death,” but the God “who raises the dead” delivered him… All sinners deserve the sentence of everlasting death. But the God to whom salvation belongs has, in Christ, rescued us and given us new life. • Gracious God and Father, thank you for redeeming me from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Move my tongue to glorify you in praise and witness. Amen.” The Lutheran Study Bible
“No God, no truth. Know God, know truth.” author unknown
Apart from Christ…
  • grace and mercy seem too good to be true
  • human arrogance takes priority over Christ’s humility
  • there’s no regret when integrity fails
  • outlook is hopeless and negativity sets in

Light reminds us we cannot hide darkness, nor can we fix it on our own. 

God created us to instinctively know right from wrong. God knows motives. Darkness of our own and others proves no one can always make things right. Neglect, isolation, doubt, and lies damage or wreck healthy attitudes and emit oppression, estrangement and unjust blame onto others and toward God.

God pursues us to save us with His goodness.

Christ’s goodness became ours when He took our own mistakes upon Himself at the cross and brings us into His Light. Patiently, He points us to recognize the reality of sin, run from evil, and turn toward Him. In mercy, He forgives believers who fear Him; He saves sinners from the of punishment and condemnation reserved for those who continually reject the Holy Spirit’s work of repentance.

God infinitely keeps His promise in Christ.

The loving-kindness of our Lord is higher than our finite minds can comprehend. Scripture is a fountain which pours goodness into the empty cracks and depressed pits of our imperfect lives. The Word softens hearts and shapes minds with wisdom for grace-filled communication—power to confess, receive confessions, forgive and receive forgiveness. Confidence and gratitude flow from reception of the Word of Truth. 

While we muddle through the confusion of this life, it is necessary to grasp the abundant opportunities to regularly hear the Word. Worshiping alongside other sinners sitting in the pews, we receive gifts of pardon and peace which come to us in Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Together, we are reminded we may trust Jesus who bled for and shields us from danger. We worship Him with music and prayer.

“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard, while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. … For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers,” Hebrews 2:1,11

Everyone messes up—knowingly or not. Everyone will face damaging, disturbing, confusing, goofed-up, unhealthy situations in one form or another.

Consequences we own, guilt we carry, distress we combat, things gone wrong we fail to fix throughout life—Jesus compassionately knows every hardship, weakness and screw-up. 

Christ humbled Himself to love, cleanse and heal us and our enemies.

God’s own Son was forsaken to leave His place of glory, come to us through Mary’s womb to grow up perfectly obedient, willingly suffer, be executed, lay in a tomb for three days (where he left our sin in the belly of the earth) and rise from the dead! He spoke, prayed, wept, ate, and walked among us. His painful, sweaty, bloody work paid the price to rescue us from hell and give us peace. Jesus ascended to live with God the Father who hears confessions through Christ’s intercessions for us. His gracious merciful love for us allows us to openly lay our burdens down at the foot of His cross. The sacrifice He made covers believers with grace, forgiveness and redemption. His benediction is spoken in church.

God’s desire is to restore and nurture. Everyone who receives His blessing trusts Him and lives joyfully now with certain hope of forever.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to counsel and comfort us in this life until the next. He listens to the people He created who trust Him and answers according to His will. As God sent Jonah to preach to sinners, the Holy Spirit empowers believing sinners to be there with and for others, to take the first step toward sharing the Gospel. Jonah didn’t expect things to turn out like they did. We don’t always completely understand why God allows the suffering He does, nor His tough-love plans, nor His perfect timing and will. Outcomes of His plans sometimes become clear, yet, they might not always be revealed in our lifetime. By God-given strength, we tell of the preservation and protection given to us, honestly look at what repentance truly is, and trust Him to refresh and renew us despite our weakness. Only God knows the heart of those with whom we share our peace and if they will receive or reject His gift of faith.

“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11
“Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.” Psalm 33:20

Why is God’s Word so important to take seriously? It is the power to believe Christ’s atonement for all sin is 100% necessary for salvation.

Faith in Christ comes by hearing, so, listen! On the Last Day He will return to…

  • receive faithful believers to live forever with Him in perfect peace and glory—where all types of illness, weakness, sin, confusion, pain, distress, tears and even death will no longer exist, ever!
  • separate from Himself unfaithful people who reject the Truth; unbelievers will suffer forever. 

It is a mystery that we won’t sleep; we will be changed in a moment.

“When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’”
1 Corinthians 15:54

More on Jonah

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Obadiah Bible Sketch

Judgement will be a day of accountability.


Because of sin, all people die. God determines every person’s eternal destiny.


Believers in Christ have God’s mercy. Apart from Christ, it will be a day of wrath. 

God warns us to not neglect His Word or cover up the reality of our sin. God didn’t create robots. He allows His people to make good and poor choices. We make both kinds. God patiently offers grace and spiritual maturity to all who seek Him. Grieved over spiritual rebellion and corruption, eventually, His wrath brings down destruction on the high and mighty—the prideful and the oppressor. To blame others, hide, justify, or minimize the seriousness of one’s own wrongdoing, is, by one’s own choice, to throw away God’s precious gift of forgiveness and to reject His redemption. In and of ourselves, we are hungry, empty, and aren’t able to be fruitful. Energy depleted, we become cold, angry, distracted, anxious, troubled and selfish. We can’t trust ourselves. We constantly need to be filled and nourished by the Word.

Who will deliver me?

Holy Baptism and the Word bring on a free gift of faith. With any gift, there are two choices: 

  1. receive it [good]
  2. reject it [bad]

God creates and perfects faith because He cares. Faith believes and depends on God’s mercy in the work of His Son Jesus who endured our shame. He died for us on the cross, bodily rose from the dead, ascended and lives with God the Father. His compassionate Spirit cleanses, defends, and empowers us to face and grow through difficulties of life. Faith in us prompts a desire to repent and helps us to walk in the Light with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Even when God’s people have a loss for words to pray, there is One who intercedes for us to rescue and deliver us from evil. Loyal to love and tirelessly lavish forgiveness and restoration, Christ’s redeeming work at the cross saves all who receive the faith to fear God. We trust Jesus the Savior who offers protection from God’s harsh judgement.

Obadiah 15, 17a

“For the day of the Lord is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head.… But in Mount Zion there shall be those who escape, and it shall be holy,” Obadiah1517a
“For the day of the Lord is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head.… But in Mount Zion there shall be those who escape, and it shall be holy,” Obadiah 15,17a
 “Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. …but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. ” Romans 3:19, 5:8-9

Learn more

Listen to a Bible study discussion about Obadiah.

Obadiah tells of God’s harsh judgment. Watch an illustrated overview.

Zion is the name of the church I attend. I hope you find a similar church in your area. There’s more behind the meaning of Zion in the Bible—not only a mountain, it generally refers to the people of God and another name for the Holy Christian Church of all believers in Christ.

Prayer of the Day

  “Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love You and worthily magnify Your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. (211)” Treasury of Daily Prayer

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Amos Bible Sketch

How can there be justice in my mess?

No matter what my or your mess is, Truth defeats lies of the devil, the world, and our fallen human nature. 


Righteousness is promised in the Word

God’s justification is where His peace enters the life of a sinner in the form of a divine gift. God creates faith to believe in Jesus. Thankfully, He knows us better than we know ourselves and His love for us doesn’t change upon circumstance or His Divine Knowledge of how depraved we are.

 “For I know how many are your transgressions and how great are your sins” Amos 5:12

The difficult things God allows are for His purpose to bring people to contrition, confession, and change for their own (or another person’s) present or eternal good. In an act of grace, His Spirit supports people through the process of confession and life of faith. Still, God’s good grace is a gift which can be received or rejected.

“Let love be genuine; abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” Romans 12:9 read the chapter

We cannot save ourselves from the messes we make, nor those we protest.

Jesus died and was raised to forgive and clear us from our disordered position. All who receive His righteousness grow in knowledge, strength, trust, and joy! His perfect work heals and saves—it blesses and reverses the curse for the life to come.

Our Creator tenderly and constantly is doing reconciling work in our lives. 

The earth’s groaning in earthquakes and hardships are reminders to repent and turn to God for mercy. Beware of complacency. We do not deserve anything, yet forgiveness is made possible by the powerful, everflowing stream of Christ’s compassionate understanding, love and grace. His Spirit encourages us to serve Him and others by blessing us with words at the right moments—opportunities God provides for us to share this life-saving Good News. In gratitude, we share with others and cherish others who connect with us regarding the Gospel.

Amos 5:24

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24
But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24

God wants justice for the oppressed. 

Injustices are constant in the world. Integrity is doing what God says when we allow Him to guide us.

“God’s people are to produce justice continually and swiftly, like the flow of a river. Just as plants and animals need a steady supply of water to survive, so also human communities can flourish only when justice and righteousness prevail.” The Lutheran Study Bible

God’s commands are to show our need for Him; also, to help us love Him and each other. He wants us to have right relationships. He will take actions to correct injustice. God confronts evil for His purposes to have mercy on us and restore us to walk in newness of life.

God and God Alone 
by Steve Green

God and God alone created all these things we call our own

From the mighty to the small, the Glory in them all is God’s and God’s alone

God and God alone reveals the truth of all we call unknown

and the best and worst of man won’t change the Master’s plan it’s God’s and God’s alone

God and God alone is fit to take the universe’s throne

Let everything that lives reserve its truest praise for God and God alone

Listen to a Bible study discussion about how God works through means, even uncomfortable ones. 

Read a Christian perspective on the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) Dobbs v. Jackson reversal of Roe v. Wade, stating the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion and returning the issue to the states. This positive action makes pro-life faithful people thankful for potential measures to protect lives of the most vulnerable. We pray individuals and states would step up and take responsibility to protect unborn babies.

Read more about

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Joel Bible Sketch

Return to the Lord.


He is gracious.


He is merciful.

He is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

Joel 2:13

and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster. Joel 2:13
and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster. Joel 2:13

God wants us to honestly turn to face Him with our own sin.

Original sin and its consequences exhibit our desperate need for confession and absolution in Christ.

  • poor spiritual, emotional, mental, physical health
  • relational and political divisions—abuse, coercion, war
  • natural disaster of floods, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes
  • death

Christ is the Way to escape being irreparably damaged or harmed by sin. 

Jesus took our sin upon Himself to make us right so that we may ask God to intervene to strengthen us to withstand temptation.

“The Lord wants inner sincerity, not just outward show…let your conversion be a genuine one and show this by the fruits worthy of repentance. It is God’s nature to forgive; thus, He forgives because of who He is, not in exchange for our repentance.” The Lutheran Study Bible (Joel 2:13)

Loving Truth brings humility, repentance, trust, and restoration. Christ, relents over disaster, rescuing His faithful. By grace, His merciful work for us on the cross offers certain hope of salvation which is comfort to all who receive God’s gift of faith. Constant spiritual growth fueled by His Word and Sacrament helps the faithful live boldly, contently mindful of Him in the temporal and eternal. It sparks joy and Light to share with others.


“The book of Joel describes the Day of the Lord through locust swarms, battles, and powerful imagery so that readers can understand its magnitude.” Watch short video from the Bible Project

Monday, July 18, 2022

Hosea Bible Sketch

Do you want to grow in love that cannot fail?


God is true love.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from God.

As a farmer’s daughter, I notice agricultural themes throughout Scripture such as this post of 26 Bible Verses for Farmers. Seed is tenderly cared for, protected, and planted in prepared soil. With loving patience, light, and nutrients, God makes it grow for a bountiful harvest!
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7

Hosea 10:12

Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you. Hosea 10:12
Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground, for it is the time to seek the Lord, that he may come and rain righteousness upon you. Hosea 10:12

Uncultivated fallow ground is hard thirsty soil. By itself, it is unfruitful. Harsh thorny weeds poke, scratch, hurt, dehydrate and kill tender plants.

“By nature we are dead in sins, unable to help ourselves.” Rev. Herbert C. Mueller, LW

Irrational thinking, excessive entitlement mentality, and arrogant attitudes—unchecked—lead to damaging behaviors. Toxic actions choke out voices of others in an attempt to control them by insensible manipulation, unjust punishment, and unrelenting rigid harshness. 

Foolishness carelessly twists truth to avoid responsibility.

Personal wrongs are minimized or rationalized—unrealistically and carelessly understated as not so bad, good, excusable, or someone else’s fault. Defamation is output. Various forms of abuse covered by a pile of lies, suffocate life out of self and others. Such tricky deceit may be obviously seen in others, yet, is difficult to recognize or admit in self. Like famine which cause crops to wither and die, human resilience wears down, confused by sins from which we cannot free ourselves. Stubborn, prideful refusal to humbly repent as well as unwillingness to forgive, result from failure to gratefully receive and practice God’s gracious gift of Truth. 

Even so, God’s steadfast love remains available throughout the seasons we are in until His final harvest on the Last Day!

People look at God’s gift of faith from vantage points such as these…

  1. Egotism prevails over receiving insight on matters of salvation. The choice to not rely on Christ is made based on refusal to believe a Savior is needed. 
  2. Unbelief that Jesus has done all that is necessary for salvation, some people falsely think their own decision, obedience or achievements play a part in their deliverance. Gifts don’t make sense when falsely believing that pardon is earned by self.
  3. Believers in God’s true love are able to trust Jesus by the faith—the gift given in baptism and by strength given in the Word. They learn to become meek, honest and brokenhearted about their own failures and weaknesses. Extremely grateful to be redeemed by Christ’s blood which gives righteousness, they live joyfully in grace, sharing God’s mercy and peace with others.

Even before God created us He knew our name. Knowing we would fall short of the perfection He designed for us, He had a merciful plan to save us. The Holy Spirit is available to all and is present within believers here and now.  

Jesus will return, in person, to judge. Those who believe in Him alone for salvation, His faithful people, will be restored to perfection and joined together with Him to live forever. Those who reject Him, unbelievers, will suffer forever separated from Him.

Freedom is complete dependence on Jesus who cancels the debt of sin. 

This is wonderful Truth!

“We cannot produce the fruit of holy living on our own anymore than we can turn a radish seed into a radish. Only God can make the soil productive. Only He can send the rain. Only He can warm our hearts with the life-giving Son-shine of His love. He wants to do that. He wants us to have the joy of harvesting acres and acres of righteousness in our lives. … Like that runaway, we come with empty hands and an empty heart. We bring only words—the words Hosea recommends: ‘Take away all iniquity; accept what is good’ … We need not try to earn our Father’s favor by proving we’re sorry enough—we can never be sorry enough. We need not offer to make up for the pain caused—we can never make it up. We simply admit our responsibility and our need. God will do exactly what He has promised—He will heal us and love us freely. … He will refresh us. … He will make us beautiful and stable and fruitful. … What promises! What are you waiting for?” Jane L. Fryar, Today’s Light Devotional Bible

The seed farmer prepares soil by plowing, cultivating and applying fertilizer. When we dig deeper and apply the inspired Scripture, we acquire a warm heart toward others. God allows us to live safely among “weeds” which are motivated to take over and ruin our faith. Under His care, we participate in opportunities to grow in His Word. 

The Holy Spirit encourages and helps to:

  • plant kindness, fence out cruelty
  • maintain carefully, not disengage
  • cooperate, not estrange
  • grow, not stagnate
  • bear fruit, not poison
  • lift up, not devastate
  • share, not isolate
  • enjoy, not discontent
  • be peaceful, not unfriendly
  • have compassion, not slander
  • graciously forgive, not condemn
  • trust, be grateful, be loyal to our Creator—not doubt, complain or be unfaithful
 “If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” 1 John 1:10

Repentance and growth in the faith are from our Creator. Even while we are sinners, He desires everyone to receive Water and Light. We have freedom to absorb or repel the gifts He provides.

To overturn our sin, the devil, the world, and death, God lowered Himself to become human. Jesus lived perfectly, suffered, died and rose to save us from punishment we deserve. 

Soil which is cultivated is tenderly tilled and turned over. Likewise, Scripture shows us our sins and shows us our Savior. It prepares us sinners for repentance so that we may to turn to Jesus and ask for mercy He supplies for salvation. 

To thank God, we confess to Him and people we’ve hurt. A confession might sound something like, “I did [this bad thing] and I didn’t do [that good thing]. I’m sure I don’t even realize how sinful I am. Thank you for caring enough to help me learn. I am responsible for myself—I do not blame you or anyone—there is no excuse for my failure. I need help to overcome temptations. I need guidance into proper ways. I need to be surrounded with people who can help me. Gracious Lord, deliver me from evil.” We pray and go to the Church to receive guidance and sacraments for forgiveness and to be transformed by grace.

“But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree.” Romans 11:24

“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11

We thrive on life-saving nutrition faith feeds us in the work of Christ’s unfailing love. God reveals Himself in His unchanging inerrant Word which does many wonders for making us grow and live forever!  


  • picks rocks—removes the stony heart and replaces with a heart of flesh
  • plants tiny seeds of faith, then perfects it
  • records truth in the Bible 
  • plows reproof and turns us back to truth
  • produces wholesome growth and fresh livelihood
  • adopts us and calls us His own 
  • grafts branches into the tree of life
  • uproots and transplants
  • bled, died and rose to save us from being burned with weeds
  • prepares our dirty soil to trust that Jesus provided perfect humility for us because we cannot
  • knows our limitations, weaknesses, and sin committed against us
  • grieves with us
  • prunes to promote fullness
  • transforms us by the renewal of our mind
  • tests that we may discern what is His will, what is good and acceptable and perfect
  • produces a humble, gracious, healthy attitude 
  • mulches to protect from wind and inhibit weeds
  • manages predators and pests
  • covers sin with forgiveness
  • cultivates us that we confess our sin and forgive others
  • applies His balm of peace to soothe and heal blisters, callouses and scratches
  • motivates to aspire to live quietly and mind our own affairs
  • establishes work for our hands to earn a living and leave a portion for others
  • sings over us
  • delights in us
  • provides confidence He fully covered our insufficiency to save ourselves so we don’t unrealistically demand perfection of others
  • cleanses us and give us a pure heart—in, with, and under Christ’s Divine Gifts mercifully given for us at the Church’s worship services
  • blooms contentment
  • blossoms patience
  • works out our salvation for us
  • disciplines carefully and lovingly
  • offers forgiveness and absolution
  • redeems us in safety from oppression, violence, transgressions, and the pit
  • begins wisdom 
  • encourages us to gently love each other
  • brings insight to resist temptation, apathy, ignorance, and rejection of the faith
  • wants a relationship with us 
  • reconciles us with Himself
  • allows whatever He chooses to help us become teachable and hungry for the Word
  • carries our burdens and helps us imitate Him for others 
  • instructs for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healthy living
  • hydrates us with energy
  • fills us with trustworthiness
  • compassionately warms hearts
  • increases grace and rich benefits
  • comforts when we need Him the most
  • heals wounds
  • restores vitality
  • empowers joy

God promises to keep loving and healing us!

“It is he who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever; and rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures forever; he who gives food to all flesh, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:23-26
