FreshRetroGallery by Elizabeth Knaus Shops

Thursday, June 6, 2024

2 John Bible Sketch

Are you greeted by grace?


Are you mended by mercy?


Is your journey on track toward perfect peace?

How would you describe the events of life…some weeks like a fun, carefree vacation, other times, struggling amid hard challenges or dishonored by toxic criticism? It’s good to get the laundry done, back home with your Church family. Exhausted by distress, saddened by grief, frustrated by lies, regretting failure to put God and others first—all parts of our sinful human nature need to be turned inside-out. They’re common stains to bring to the Lord who blots them all out. Jesus supplies forgiveness, cleansing, certain hope to keep moving forward, plus courage to make appropriate changes. Energized to start fresh, each new week begins cleared of guilt, washed clean, resting in God’s love and truth. Our Creator establishes blessings of joy and gratitude as He comes to us in divine worship services to

  • greet grief by His grace
  • mend mourning by His mercy
  • feed faith in His perfect peace

2 John 3

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father's Son, in truth and love. 2 John 3
Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love. 2 John 3

Grace, mercy, and peace are blessings that don’t show up on their own from within us.

Since sin is an ongoing problem for all people, we desperately need Baptismal blessings to be added to us from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God’s purpose is to generously give us the gift of the Spirit so we may learn to lean on Him; plus, in love for others, tell about the hope we have in Jesus. We’re free to embrace truth about love, that even though we’re undeserving, Jesus willingly gave His life for us. In the Lord’s Supper, we receive—in, with, and under the bread and wine—the true body and blood of Christ shed on the cross. In this way of the faith, He fills us with His peace that surpasses understanding.

We can’t make this up.

Believing lies about truth and love brings dangerous confusion and harmful distress. Nothing is truly good or lovely apart from the full context of God’s Word. Truth and love are realized by the faith we receive by God’s grace; it’s not by our decision, nor by doing good things. Our Savior Jesus and his Father sent the Spirit to give the faith which beneficially fills our needs. God is in control and present in the Church, providing all we ask according to His will. Hearts of those who genuinely receive His blessings trust the Lord for help to love enemies and pray for those who hurt us in daily life. The faith turns focus toward the cross of Christ for us. Truth speaks of how Christ’s fruit of the Spirit is at work in failures and difficulties to refine the faith which turns us toward opportunities to serve others, utilizing capabilities He supplies in timing He’s planned for us. God’s gift of truth and love will completely remove our struggle against evil and all of sin’s consequences when Jesus returns for believers who will, forever, dwell with Him in the harmonious place He’s preparing for us. 

The Word explains who we are in Christ who endured our shame and keeps hope alive. It clarifies and warns of anti-Christs—those who oppose Truth and are against Christ. The faith, through eyes spiritually opened, sees errors false teachers stand for. The Spirit of Truth helps us recognize that individuals and entire organizations who make up their own version of so-called truth, intentionally reject hearing Christ’s authoritative Truth offered in genuine Love. We pray the Holy Spirit would stir all people to stop believing Satan’s lies which lead us far away from the life that our loving Father desires for us. Merciful protection in Christ frees us to maintain boundaries which avoid mingling with falsehoods and corruption of twisted, irreverent and arrogant ideologies. By God’s grace, we confidently surrender effort to convince them of Truth when they blatantly choose to reject. When ears are plugged, hearts become cold and hard. Opportunity for reasonable conversations may not transpire; yet, if it does become possible, only by the power of the Holy Spirit can we talk, in gentleness, with people who disagree with the faith or don’t trust Jesus. God may restore them in humble repentance and repair the damage they’ve caused.

It’s good to visit each other in homes and gather in the Church. 

Face-to-face intimate in-person time together is the best way to communicate effectively.

Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete. 2 John 12

God-given abilities to create and utilize technology expand connections in community. Thanks for reading. God bless you.


Heavenly Father, by Your own true Son, You have revealed the truth to us in love. Protect us from all who would take this truth and love from us by the deception of wise-sounding error. Keep us in Christ, who is the “way, the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6). Amen. The Lutheran Study Bible, p2183


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