FreshRetroGallery by Elizabeth Knaus Shops

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Revelation Bible Sketch

Cried many tears?


Felt pain—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?


Who or what is my magnet?

Am I negatively stuck like a magnet in an arrogant mindset consistently

  • afraid of what people think of me? 
  • feeling secure or insecure based on my balance sheet?
  • doing good only for the purpose of making up for doing bad?
  • avoiding change?
  • demanding to have things go my way?
  • making excuses for my bad moves?
  • thinking, since I’m right, I can shut down or vilify someone with another perspective?
  • denying my fault?
  • projecting my personal problems onto someone who’s innocent?
  • having unrealistic expectations of another person?
  • manipulating situations and people?
  • apathetically silent?
  • snubbing people who don’t look, think or act like I want them to?
  • telling myself there’s no one willing or able to help me?
  • resisting support?
  • unwilling to ask for advice?
  • acting bossy? 
  • never satisfied, always wanting more?
  • confused about priorities?
  • or fill in the blank …

How many more things in the world are trapping us sinful people into frustration, pain, sorrow or worry? Each of us has a unique story, full of complexity that’s easier to fret, ignore, stuff away and deny than to admit and confess. Everyday struggles, to one degree or another, are part of this life. Even when we do work on improving, revising and correcting ourselves—to the point we insufficiently call improvement or perfection—more failure, of one kind or another, is bound to happen. To be real, we haven’t a clue of how often we actually sin. Single-handedly, the task of overcoming the wrong thoughts, words, and actions that come out of us (including the good that doesn’t) is impossible. What bothers us is written on our hearts—no matter the type of problem or degree of immediate consequence—the bad we do and good we lack is the part of us that just isn’t right.

Good News for anyone who hears it!

Christ died for sinners. Faith in this is a positively blessed never-ending energy! Truth be known about our moral issues and concerns, we cannot believe in Jesus or stand before a Holy God, in and of our own strength. We need the faith to see and hear rightly that sin shouldn’t be minimized, blown-off or continued; also, we know we cannot be free from the weight of sin—our own and that which is committed against us—unless we trust Jesus is our Savior. 

God’s Word as a lamp to my feet and light to my path, shines Truth on my own failures entangled with weaknesses of others which have created extensive difficulties and distresses. Throughout many tears, painful frustration and loss, from multiple directions and situations, I realize God and I are like an inseparable magnet with a greater, stronger bond than every dark power that tries to distract and pull us apart. God’s always getting me through seemingly insoluble problems—restoring my joy for each new day—not as I’d expect, but by His glorious plan. The faith’s powerful magnetic attraction brings me into intense prayer, trusting my Savior’s force is even interceding for me when I haven’t the words! Praying helps me pay close attention to the reality that I’m in the same boat as every other Baptized sinner for whom Christ died. He keeps us afloat while we’re receiving forgiveness, guidance, and comfort. All who are living in Truth aren’t alone. Rather than having a pity party, our grateful focus is turned toward God’s care for us. 

God’s attraction to me isn’t deserved in any way, shape or form, by anything I do, think, say or pray. I’m amazed by the miracle: He created me, plus provided the faith He authored and perfects for me! In the fullness of life I’m given, God the Father is eager to draw me close as His Baptized child whom He sees through His Son who knows me intimately. Jesus calls me His sister. He’s the Christ, born to die for all people for forgiveness of sin. The Holy Spirit is sent for us as Helper to trust promises and Counselor for living in The Word by grace. By the repentant faith which receives the Lord’s Supper, I’m absolved and empowered to rest in His peace.

God provides the Bible as a gift to reveal Himself. It teaches us how to eagerly receive His mercy; also, to receive mercy other Christians generously offer. God’s grace encourages us to warmly offer others gentle grace and mercy, plus pray they’ll receive it. Our Creator entirely connects Himself to us in the Old and New Testaments which are wonderfully intertwined. He formed our inward parts; knitted each of us together in our mothers’ wombs. Life by faith in the Father/Son/Holy Spirit is all about generosity for us in the work of Jesus, in whom is our preparation for the new heaven and new earth. 

Growing up in Truth isn’t easy, yet striving to follow God’s will is always good. God is with those whom He loves—reproving, disciplining, advising us to be zealous and repent. He keeps working for us by the faith He strengthens. Always delighted to see us enjoying the gifts He’s created for us, He’s honored to see us gratefully sharing His love.

God spits out those who are lukewarm—those choosing to regress from the faith. He puts a limit on Satan and his followers. Jesus doesn’t claim those who are choosing separation from worshiping Him in Spirit and Truth. 

The vision of eternity has polar opposite elements. Upon Christ the King’s second coming, soon at an unknown time, everyone alive plus the resurrected dead of all ages will see Truth. Jesus will determine the split—those in Him, and those not in Him—making the division for life-everlasting.

  1. heaven comes down to earth, a brilliant, beautiful new place with many rooms, paradise garden, perfect banquet with all believers gathered by Jesus and claimed as His own, worshiping together with His angels in the glorious presence of Almighty God
  2. hell with Satan in horrible dark sadness, regret, suffering thirst and burning painful punishment—far apart, as personally chosen, from the graciousness of God

The life we presently know in this world will end and be changed permanently for infinity.

Revelation 21:4

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

There’s a first time for everything. 

The first I heard the blessing of God’s Word was through my Mom’s womb. In Baptism God created the gift of faith in my heart. I became His child by grace, an adopted member of His family. The faith was strengthened as I was taught the life of a confessional Christian body. If you don’t have a church family that matches up to Scripture—if you’re called to explore—find one near you that’s part of my church organization, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Check out our Study Bible, magazine The Lutheran Witness and radio station KFUO. I [we] believe the Bible is the Word of God; it not only “contains” the Word of God, but actually is God’s Word and is the only source of revealed truth—concerning Jesus Christ, faith and salvation—by which the church is governed. Not to be mistaken by the name Lutheran, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) is quite different than the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

There’s a last time for everything.

Although there are misconceptions about eternity and other topics, thankfully, the devotion of many theologians provide interesting, meaningful opportunities to help us study the last book of the Bible Revelation and other books having symbolic, poetic and apocalyptic writing styles. I pray you’ll dig into the links below and throughout the entire Bible Sketch series for thoughtful insight. It’s always a good idea to pray the Holy Spirit would provide discernment and application of the Word. Thank the Lord who keeps us, in Christ, from being lost in the devil’s lies. Request increased spreading and reception of Truth—the Gospel’s saving power—worldwide via in-person and web connections to the ends of the earth. 

It’s not our task to convince anyone to know the salvation and peace we have through the forgiving of our sins, that’s the Holy Spirit’s work. God gives blessed comforting growth and patience in lives of those who hear His sweet Holy Word and keep it.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” … “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” … He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen. Revelation 22:13,16, 20-21

Thank you for hanging out with me in these end times. 

In conclusion of my Bible Sketches series here at Blogger, I invite you to connect with me socially on Facebook, X, Pinterest and Instagram. As a redeemed sinner, anything I accomplish in this world is by the mercy and grace of God. My Savior designed me to live. He feeds my faith, cares for me, and sets up ways to keep me depending on His redeeming love during trials, tribulations, dark and hard times. The Lord enriches my Christian artist vocation with purpose. Thankfully, my Creator’s healing and inspiring effects help me share His wisdom through talent and capability He supplies for illustrating, research, writing, producing and sharing media content. The more I think I know, the more I realize I don’t know. Only in Christ, I’m a conqueror. 

I pray…

…to be kept receiving and trusting God’s goodness in the work of Jesus, in whom, is my story, light, and forgiven identity. I pray you’ll join me in continuous exploration of God’s Word and praising Him forever. Amen.

Study the book of Revelation.

Sing it!

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